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Guest George Minor

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Guest George Minor

I am a new Cairn owner. I have a 6 month old AKC registered male with ears that don't stand up erect. Did I get a dud, or do some take longer to stand up than others?

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i also have a male who is 5 months old and only one of his ears stands up part of the time.

A friend who has 3 Cairns has assured me they will stand up, but suggested massaging them... could be worth a try

Time will tell!

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Don't worry, the ears probably will be up and down for awhile. Give your dog a bit and you'll have nice perky ears in no time. :)

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My 4 1/2 month old Iagan's ears are not up either, though the left one that we thought was broken has now been up and down several times in the last month. The right one has only been up once. Though we would love for his ears to be up in the Cairn tradition, we will love him whether they do or not!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also a new Cairn owner. Betty is 3 months old tomorrow and her ears are floppy...I have been assured that they will probably stand up sooner or later...has anyone heard of taping them up to help them along? Or are they better off left alone? She's a darling no matter what...but I do hope they stand up. Also, the tail (not to get off subject) Her's curls over her back a fair amount. Do they straighten up or do you all think that that is the way hers will stay? I would love to hear from some seasoned Cairn owners. thanks!!! :P

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A book I purchased about Cairns says the ears will go up and down while they are teething but nearly all Cairns will end up with upright ears. My puppy's ears have gone up and down sometimes from one day to the next. She is 4 months old now and her ears are both up (today) :shy: Kate

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Although I do not know whether this advice has been superceded AND I cannot offer advice on how to keep puppies from ridding themselves of the tape, here is John Marvin's advice on ears.


PS I think that Jacobi's book gives detailed instructions on correction of the dropped ears but I can't find my copy of that book at the moment.


"While working initially on the coat, it is a good idea to remove the hair from the ears. This will lighten the ears and make it possible for them to stand erect. As a rule, a puppy's ears will rise normally to a half-prick position and then go fully erect. This may occur simultaneously with both ears or one may go up followed by the other a few days later. Once up, the ears may drop several times before standing permanently. In general, the ears should go up at from eight to 12 weeks of age. In this connection, ther is a definite relationshipbetween teething and ear carriage. When the puppy begins to shed its first dentition, the ears react. Ears that have been tightly erect, may drop for a few days -- ears that have never stood erect, may go up. So do not become alarmed if the ear changes during teething. This does not suggest that ears that are not erect or that droop during teething should be neglected -- they should not. Watch them carefully and follow the necessary steps, if the carriage does not improve."

Marvin p. 182.


At approximately four months of age, the average puppy commences to lose its puppy teeth and acquires a permanent set. this Teething period continues from one to two months according to the individual puppy. During this time, special attention should be given to the mouth. Experience has shown that the puppy teth do not always fall out or shed normally. For this reason, if you see a permanent tooth crowding in alongside a puppy tooth, quickly extract the offender and give the permanent tooth a chance to grow in straight. If you cannot remove the tooth yourself, enlist the aid of a veterinarian - although milk teeth generally come out easily since they have very little root. Many poor mouths can be attributed to failure to care for the teeth during teething, when the mouth was made poor by the owners deriliction. As a breed, the Cairn has a good mouth so keep watch over the teeth and there is little to offer further concern. Marvin 182- 183.

Ear Carriage and Teething

As mentioned hertofore, during the teething period, ears do funny things. Some ears will not stand erect before the puppy teethes, while others that have been up will drop. Personally, I prefer to help ears that are not erect at four months or which have dropped during teething. This may be done by either rolling them and daping them together at the desired distance or by forming a tape backing for the ears and then taping them together. Either metod is satisfactory. Another approach is to brush the ear at its inside and outside surfaces with collodion. When this hardens, the film offers sufficient support to cause the ear to stand. In general, taping, etc., strenghtnes wweak ear cartilage and helps set the ears. Some ears may not stand for a long time and the taping must be repeated. the tape should be left on for a week or ten days and then removed before the ears are sore. Boric acid powder dusted around the base of the ears helps to prevent soreness. Marvin p. 183.

Marvin, John T. The Complete Cairn Terrier New York, NY: Howell Book House (1975).

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Hmm. I still can't find Jacobi's book. See if your library has it. I think that book has specific instructions. Anybody out there have their copy handy?

I have not been able to find specific information about the type of tape and supplies to use in the process of correcting dropped ears. I did come across this interesting list of first aid supplies:


George and Danielle Rackstraw, Breeders

FIRST AID LIST AND INFORMATION: http://www.cairnrescue.com/docs/FirstAidSupplies.htm


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Nicky is 16 months old-had him since seven weeks old. When we got him one ear was up and the other down. And it took a good while before both were erect. But when we look at his puppy pics he was adorable with one ear up and one down. Yeah, Nicky has a longer then normal tail too. But it wouldn't make any difference now, love him too much warts and all.


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  • 2 months later...

I found that after about eight months Murphy's ears started to stand up. Then at about ten months they were both standing up. Don't worry they will eventually both stand up. If they don't try blowing on his paw of the ear that is still down.(Sorry sick joke) The only problem is the little sucker here's everything goes on

especially outside. We can't keep the windows open because every time he hears a dog outside barking he feels he has to answer him. Sometimes you just have to keep the windows closed.(well at least with Murphy) Have fun with them they're

a blast.

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Guest posting as: Karen

Hi Everyone:

What worked really well for us was duct tape. Yep, that's right. Cut the tape into a triangle shape that fit the ear and stuck it on. On one stubborn ear we added a little piece of plastic from a yogurt container to help stiffen. After three days, we had erect ears. What I have noticed is how the ear thickens as the puppy gets older.


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