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In memory of my little girl Shannon Doggerty


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It is with great pain and sadness that my little girl has passed over the rainbow bridge. She was the light of my life and has taught me to accept the little things in life as being the most important things. From all of her days from 8 weeks to 11 years she was the darndest little dog. She was strong and bright, she was attentive and extremely loyal. She never hid or backed away...Even at the end she put up the fight to stay alive, that was until she passed away in my arms. The bed is empty without you and the house that you ruled is missing her queen... I will miss you always my dearest friend, and I thank G_d for letting me have you as my firend and companion for the last 11 years. Please be good and stay out of the garbage on the other side of the bridge.. my little girl.


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