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Will is getting nuetered Friday


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I am taking Will in tommorow morning for him to get nuetered. I am very nervous but know I must do it... They will do the blood work first thing and then the surgery. They said I can pick him up in the afternoon. It will be a long nerve racking day....

For him the hardest part will not be eating very first thing in the morning ( he loves to eat). He wakes me up and then heads straight to the kitchen for his breakfast. He even likes to chow down his breakfast before he goes out for his first potty break.

Anyhow, please keep Will in your thoughts. I know it is not a very serious surgery but the anesthesia part scares me.

Will's Nervous Mother!


He'll be fine! The hard part is the lampshade hat and keeping him quiet!

Be sure your vet sends him home with pain meds so he is comfy!


Don't be afraid! I am sure he will be fine! I guess Barney's ordeal has made all the puppy Moms and Dads on the forum a bit nervous. I think his was an isolated case.

Did you see the thread about Barney's anesthesia? I listed what the vet gave him. The thing that could have been the problem with Barney was the Domitor amount. They gave him .04 ml and he should have had .02! The U of I Vet School always uses .02 ml. on puppies.

I'll be praying for little Will! He is in good hands! :halo:


Barney's Mom

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


I'll be thinking about you both!


Savannah was spayed before Barney's incident and I was still very nervous about the whole thing so I know how you feel. I am sure that Will will be fine, Savannah was. Too fine in fact. Within 2 days, she was running around like nothing ever happened. Quiet for 10 days with a Cairn???? Only if you sedate them!

Anyway, We will be thinking of Will today and be checking back in for an update. Best of luck and try to relax.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


Okay, Will is now at the vet. I paniced this morning when he threw up and added a "topic" instead of just posting my panic here. So, the vet said he probably threw up because of an empty stomach. They will of course do the pre-surgery blood work and then proceed. They said he would be done in about 2 hours and I could call to check, and that he would likely be ready to be picked up around 2:30 MST.

I lost a cairn "Mr Mack" last Novemeber and I think all this just stirred up a bunch of emotion from that. I am not typically a "freak out" kind of person and I was (am) just a bit overwhelmed with emotions this morning. Mr Mack died from liver failure just 2 months after going under to get his teeth cleaned. He was only 4. So, the whole going under thing scares the hell out me.

Will sure did sense my emotions on the way there - he whined the whole way and insisted on sitting on my lap as I drove. Anyhow, thanks for all you kind concern and I will go keep myself busy for the next couple of hours until I can call and check on him.

Linda "Will & Grace's Mom"


Knowing your overwhelmed will make me say extra prayers for you today, I may not be able to check in after noon today until Sunday but you and Will will be in my thoughts this weekend. All my best.



I hope everything goes well for Will....I'm sure he will be just fine. :)


Good thoughts coming out to Will. We too think he will be fine. Angus got through it with flying colors but I will admit I was totally freaked out. I believe he was a lot groggier than my Wheatens ever were after neutering. It took Angus nearly 2 days to snap out of it. My vet uses a much milder form of sedation than what was used on Barney, and Angus still was a dope for 48 hours.

Has the Cairn community ever done a study of the effects of narcotics on the breed? I know there was a special protocol for sedating Wheatens because there were a lot of adverse reactions. Just wondering.

Let us know how Will is doing when he gets home.

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart


Sorry it took so long to get this post on but I couldn't get to the site. Finally after a couple hours, the thought to reboot came to me and here we are.

At 11:00 Will was through the surgery (by about only 15 min.) and they said he did fine. They also said that all his bloodwork prior was perfect. He was just beginning to come out of it.

At 12:00 the Dr. called me because the others I had talked to expressed to her how nervous I was. She just wanted to reassure me that he was perfectly fine and that I could pick him up any time after 2:30. Sooooo, I will be there at 2:31. She did say he had 2 baby teeth remaining so they removed those as well, while he was under.

Anyhow - I'll have him home in just over an hour and I will be one happy Cairn Mom. Thanks so very very much for the prayers, thoughts and caring concern. It helped me more than words could say.

Thank you, Will's mostly releived mom....


Hooray for Will!!! By Monday, he will back to his normal Cairn :devil: self.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


Glad to hear that Will is recovering and soon to be home again!!!


Cathy and Piper


Glad to hear all went well

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah

I am a very happy mom! Will is home and seems perfectly fine. He hardly acts he's been through anything! :) They said he was like that almost from the moment he woke up after the surgery! The vet techs sure do like him and several offered to take him home. Not a chance... :) Thanks again for the thoughts and concern. linda


I'm late to this post....sorry! I had to get my roots done this morning (I'm sure other Cairn moms can relate :whistle: ) and just didn't have a sec to pop in until now.

I'm glad all is well and Will is home recouperating. I don't remember any of my 3 having a hard time after their neutering.....maybe a tad of discomfort in the stool department the next day but that was it. Elliott came home a demon, Maddy and Winnie acted like nothing happened. I remember feeling like I had some part of me removed while they were in surgery. :shock:

Give Will a hug from me


I meant to check on Will earlier, but it was family night here at home, which includes a movie and pizza w/ our dd. Yes, all three Cairns sit in the doublewide recliner w/ us (after we eat). Anyways, I just had to sneak in here before bed and check to see how Will did today. I am so happy to read that he is home w/ you and doing good.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


Just amazing.... If you were to see Will today, you would never guess he had any procedure done. He came home, ate & drank fine, took a little nap and has just been his normal self. Not a single problem and honestly, not a single thing that indicates he had surgery. Even his energy seems about normal today.

Mostly - just here to post a huge Thank you to all for the kind thoughts, words, and concern. Will is great and mom is too today! Linda


We just got back from out of town and wanted to check in on Will. I am so glad all went well!



I have been away from the forum. I am so glad to hear that all went well! Hooray!!


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