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I GOT one!


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Duncan here. I was outside today with my upright and my older sister when I spotted one of those bird things again. Usually when I try to sneak up on one Grania rushes in and spoils it. (She doesn't know how to sneak. :mad: ) But today she didn't. I got close enough to pounce ... and I caught it!! Then my upright pulled me away (I was on a leash. I never get to go out without one.) Boy was that fun. But what am I supposed to do with it after I catch it? It stopped moving. No fun there. Next I'm going to try for a chipmunk or maybe one of the squirrels.

I can't wait to go back out. Maybe I can do it again. :lol:


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Hey Duncan, Izbell here. Great job! I caught a little flyer once too, and my upright didn't even notice. It was neat and it crunched real well but then I bit to hard I guess or in the wrong spot and this chunky green stuff came out and it tasted kinda like the a mix between the floor around the toilet bowl (that I still cant quite reach into :( ) and the floor around the big tall box they throw all the the best stuff in...garagee? no garbago? no...garbidge? Yeah that thing. Man there is some really great stuff in there, but I always get busted trying to tip it, so I just check the floor all the time around it now, the smaller uprights always drop stuff there.

Anyway back to the flyer, that stuff was not good. It smelled awfull! and not in a good way and it made me gag! But once I wiped it out of my nose I was ok, so then I chomped on the head a bit. Real crunchy! I think its the best part, the other end, where you would expect a tail on any proper creature! was just a mess of crinkly flyer fur and it didn't taste good. So I highly recomend grbbing one if you can but dont eat the middle! if you can help it!

Oh..somebady is in my yard...grrr... gotta go!!!

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Awesome job Duncan! Sadly, I have never caught anything. I sound kinda like Grania. I am bad at sneaking. I get so exctied that I bark before I get to them and they fly away. :huh: I ALMOST caught me a squirrel last weekend though so I must be getting better!! My upright says that she hopes if I ever catch anything that the man upright will be home cause she said she doesn't think that she can pull a bird out of my mouth. Why would she try to take it away??????? I am the one that caught it, it is mine!!!!!!! Greedy upright. :mad:


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Bear? What's a bear? I don't think I've heard my upright talk about a bear. Do they live in Illinois?

Izbell, I didn't get to keep my flyer. But I like the flyer fur. Most of the time that is all I find.

Oh and Savannah, don't give up. I heard my uprights talking about how Grania caught a mouse when she was younger. But I'm not sure what a mouse is. Grania says it is something like the chipmunks.

I wish I could go outside anytime I wanted. There are lots of flyers out there. My mom upright feeds them. That's where I caught mine. Under that feeder.

Well gotta go. The neighbor is barking at something and I gotta go help.


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Piper here....

So glad you are assisting me with my desire to wipe out those bird thingies. They ANNOY the heck outta me when I am trying to nap under the shade tree. Chirp, chirp, chirpin'.....making all sorts of racket!!

So far, I have sent 8 of those pests to birdie heaven.

I'll teach them not to mess with ME!!

Cathy and Piper

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:devil:Renny caught his first bird about two weeks ago. He was in the back yard ( The only place outdoors he goes unleashed). I tried to get it away from him without success. At least he had enough sense to spit out the feathers.

Before I could declare him a "Mighty Hunter", my neighbor's "Doxie" also caught a bird later the same day. I've come to the conclusion that if the birds are too stupid to get away from dogs with 4-5 inch long legs, maybe they deserve to be eaten! They sound like candidates for a "Darwin Award".


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