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Barney's first crack at freedom!

Barney's Mom

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Well, Barney tried to make a break for it this afternoon! Wow, was my heart beating with fear!!! We were playing ball in the back yard and all of a sudden his ears pricked up, he stopped chasing the ball and took off down the driveway! I play ball with him with his leash attached in case I need to step on it if he runs away. Well, I stepped on it and it just flew off him! He took off across the street, thank God there were no cars coming, and then ran into our neighbors yards, not even thinking of stopping when I called him! Thank goodness someone across the street has a dog, because Barney stopped to sniff the fence, and that is when I grabbed him! I wonder what he heard that made him take off like he was on a mission???

I think he is ready for a big dog collar......

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Barney... does my heart good to hear he's so energetic after his past month! I know it probably scared you to pieces... they're so fast. When the girls decide they want to race they don't hear a word I say - no, stop - nothing works - sounds like Barney's getting a new collar... little devil :)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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As the mom of a Cairn who has bolted several times and scared me to death I could feel your pain. On the flipside, like goforette, I'm thinking "Go Barney, Go Barney, Go Barney!!!" given how ill he was. God bless 'em!

These guys are little Houdini's!

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Currey first escaped from his "baby" collar at about 6 months. We were later told that even though he was the right size and weight for the small sized collar with the plastic snap-in buckle, that some dogs (euphanism for wild terriers, I'm sure) just have too much strength for them anyway. It takes like 40+ lbs of force to get that thing to snap open, and its quite disturbing how a 15 lb dog can apply that much force with his NECK! After 2 escapes in 1 day - one in the backyard when he just wanted to (and did) eat all my raspberries off the bush, and the other on the street during which he ran into the nice old lady's garage down the street who doesn't speak english - I went out that night and bought one with a sturdy metal belt-style buckle.

Glad your neighbor had a nice smelling fence!

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It's always something. If not a medical dilemma then it's behavioral, nutritional, emotional....They just HAVE to keep us on our toes.

So glad Barney doesn't stress you much! :whistle:

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I always read these stories and hold my breath....and as soon as I know that everything is ok, I let out a big sigh of relief...whew!

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I had to quit using the retractable leash because it can slip out of your hand so easy.. Izzy tore out of our front yard and headed right to the street.. she was on a mission to find her german shepherd puppy friend.. she went right to her fenced yard where I finally got a hold of her..it's so scary to have them do that!


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These dogs amaze me at how strong they are. And we've went through the collars too. I'd rather have overkill on a beefy collar than pay for it later. I stopped using retractable leashes when we went into training....and after a zing across my leg that has left a nice big scar. My trainer reeeeeallly frowns on those leads. You really cant correct a dog properly with them. And God forbid you drop it and they run, it keeps smacking them in the butt, scaring them and they keep on running!!!! A vicious circle!!!

Glad to hear you caught up with your little guy. Dori got out of the fence at the pool and took off one day, she just ran around in circles like "I'm free, I'm free". I got the car and she jumped right in. Wheew!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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So glad to hear Barney is safe!

Lily got loose about a month after we got her, she just bolted out the front door. It was late at night and freezing cold outside. We started running around the neighborhood screaming like idiots. I found her about 1/2 a block from our house in between two houses. She had no intention of coming to us we just got lucky because she stopped to smell something. I literately thought I was going to have a heart attack. When we brought her back in the house Grace grabbed the back of her neck (like a mother would) and growled at her. I think Grace was as upset as we were!

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You poor thing! The Grey hairs we get!

Because most Cairn's heads and necks are about the same size I would reccomend getting a Harness. :thumbsup: Mett & Bratt if leashed to their collars can and have pulled out of them- no matter how snug they were.....

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I always read these stories and hold my breath....and as soon as I know that everything is ok, I let out a big sigh of relief...whew!

Same w/ me! I'm so glad to hear your Barney is safe. Give him a hug for me. :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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I feel your pain... My napoleon does the same so now everytime I'm out with him I leave the leash on him,

last time he did thisAbout 3 weeks ago) i found out how fast i could run LOL i had company and when I cam back with him everyone was laughing telling me that i could probably run amarathon and win if i had to c hase him a few more times!!

we have decided that we are going to put up a fence so that we don't have to worry about him running off

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I feel your pain... My napoleon does the same so now everytime I'm out with him I leave the leash on him,

last time he did thisAbout 3 weeks ago) i found out how fast i could run LOL i had company and when I cam back with him everyone was laughing telling me that i could probably run amarathon and win if i had to c hase him a few more times!!

we have decided that we are going to put up a fence so that we don't have to worry about him running off

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