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We're going to take a "Chance"


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I've held my breath for two months because I knew there was the possibility of a second cairn in my future. I wrote about this once, and then didn't want to jinx myself.

But yesterday we took Allie out for her regular stripping by a local breeder and shower of cairns who has really lovely dogs. We had talked to her a couple months ago about getting one of her dogs someday, and she mentioned she had just had a litter of four, so she would have some puppies. (The first litter in which any dogs would go up for sale in more than 3 years.) We saw them yesterday.

She had two males available, and they are now 12 weeks old. Here's the catch: one of the puppies was born with a cleft palate. I guess most dogs in this condition would be put down at birth, but this breeder kept the little guy alive and gave him a "chance" (hence his name). The breeder is planning to have surgery to correct this when he gets to four months. That the dog even survived is something of a miracle. But the vets have checked him out, and he appears to have no other difficulties. Because he was tube-fed, though, he is still a little smaller than his littermates. And a little more docile, as in he likes to be held and cuddled. Which is just the kind of second dog we wanted.

We watched him play with his littermates, and he held his own. The four of them had a great time playing with plastic pop bottles (cheap toys for puppies with sharp little teeth!).

So I know we could have taken the other male, but Chance seems like the dog for us. Clearly he'll let our very alpha Allie take the lead in the house. He'll be a little calmer, maybe a little quieter (for a cairn, anyway). And he is absolutely beautiful, a wonderful dark brindle with a very pretty little head.

Now he has to get through surgery and heal yet before we can take him, which means we probably won't get him until he's close to five months old. That may help too, because dogs seem to learn more from other dogs about how to behave by then.

But we've made our choice, and we just have to make sure he's okay after the surgery. He has already won our hearts. :wub:

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I am crossing my fingers, toes, and saying prayers that everything goes well with Chance's surgery. Keep us posted.

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That's so sweet to hear about Chance - I always lean towards dogs with special needs/and attention. My new girls are the first to come without problems (watch me jinx myself...) but I'm so thankful that there are people in the world that don't see deformaties as an excuse to put a creature down. They're made special for a reason and sounds like Chance has truly found his new destiny :) Congrats and well wishes for Chance can't wait to hear about him and see photos :)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Oh I wish you the best of luck. I teared up reading your post. Too often the little special beauties are not given the "chance". May he be a true gift to you and your family.


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Congrats on your new bundle of fur. I am so glad that you found him. Keeping my fingers crossed that surgery will go well. I know it will though. He has already proven that he is a tough little fellow! Please post pics as soon as you can!!!

P.S - Chance is a perfect name!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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How wonderful that you are giving Chance a place in your life and heart!!

Reminds me of when we went to pick out our Abby cat, Bubba. He was born with deformed legs (severely bowed). The breeder was considering putting him down, but we fell in love with him and decided to take bring him home. He lived a long, full, and healthy life with us.

Please keep us posted on your new baby!


Cathy and Piper

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Its so nice to hear that a "not so perfect" pup is getting a chance of a full and happy life. Congrats on your new addition and good luck with the surgery.

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