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Good dog!


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Let me start by defending myself first......this month at work, I am on the relief shift, and this past Sunday-Wednesday nights, I have had to work graveyard. Now, this shift does strange things to me. Stir in that I am taking two new medications on top of sleep deprivation and maybe you will understand.....

When Cooper and Yoda are fed, they have been trained to sit and stay until the food is in their dish and I tell them GOOD DOG!!! My sleep really got fouled up yesterday and I completely forgot to feed the dogs! :whistle: When I did feed them, I didn't bother to enforce the sitting rule and just dumped the food in their dishes. Cooper, being the cairn he is, got right in there and ate his down. About an hour later, I noticed I hadn't seen Yoda in awhile and he was being awfully quiet.......

I went looking.......

Finally I found him (in the last place I looked!).....he was sitting next to his food dish waiting to be told GOOD DOG so he could eat!!! Poor thing.....Cooper was staring him down wanting a piece of his food and Yoda was guarding every last piece of it for himself! I felt so bad. I think he thought he did something wrong! As soon as I told him good dog, he stood, wagged his tail at me and ate.

:wub: pat.

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.

Awwwww............. what a sweet and funny story! Our beasts are really characters, aren't they? My Airedale would sit quietly next to the kitchen counter if there was something she wanted on it. She could've easily helped herself, but she never did.


I only wish mine that that much discipline - they'll only remember a comand for maybe like 60 seconds. I've had a tremendously frustrating day with them, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm striving for how yours have turned out :)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah

Good for Yoda! I don't think my two would do this either. :)


Now that is a well trained dog!

Elliott and Madison will be arriving at your residence for training first thing Monday morning!! :whistle:

Elliott and Madison will be arriving at your residence for training first thing Monday morning!! :whistle:

:huh: SAY WHAT?!?!?!????

:P pat.

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.

Now that is the definition of obedience and for what we all strive....and would never happen in a life time in our house. He is a good dog!


O my goodness I am sure that has never happened to me........... :whistle: No seriously my Boston Terrier would never LET me forget feeding time he is more syncronized than the atomic clock! 9am and 8pm not a minute later :P


:( What have I gotten myself into??? Lines to the right...lines to the left.........9am.....8pm......I can't handle this!!!!!!!



Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.

That is so funny. This would never happen at our house because Sophie would simply follow me out of the room. Velcro dog leave my side for an hour....right. I can just imagine Yoda looking around, humming to himself....Good dog???? any time now mom.

Grave yard is awful when you aren't adjusted to it.




Hey Pat, If Yoda isn't already in competition style obedience- you might want to look into it.

A solid down like that, for that length of time is amazing!

Good Boy Yoda!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


Wow now that's what I call restraint! BTW sign me up for that obedience class too!

I would never make it on a night shift..I must have normal sleep or I'm nuts the next day! I feel for you..

:) kasey


where do I send the check for the doggie school?

and what school supplies do they need??? :D



I can only dream about that kind of obedience epecially when food is involved :D . Congrats for having such a well trained pup.



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