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vent........what can be done about this junk?!


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I was reading through our local classified paper today (something that generally can irritate me....) I look through the pets and animals section to see what dogs people are trying to sell. Well today I came across an ad for some one wanting to get rid of their six month old cairn puppy because she was too hard to house train! OK she is still a BABY :( ! This individual wants six hundred for this puppy that she paid $550 for. I told her that I do terrier rescue and was not interested in buying the dog but if she wanted help placing her I would love to do what ever I could. Well she goes on to explain that she won't get rid of her unless she can get $600 for her other wise she would keep the puppy, keep her in a back room of their house :mad::mad: !! With a cement floor and not near enough interaction.

The other thing that made me fume was that this person went on about how much research she did before buying this Cairn baby only to tell me that she wanted a dog that required NO grooming :shock: ! How many of you have Cairns that require no grooming :huh: ? I proceeded to tell her that Cairns require a lot of grooming, she said she didn't want to strip the dog because it hurts them! Then she tells me she used to be a dog groomer! She didn't want to clip the dog either so she was saying she just wanted to let the dog's hair grow continuously and brush it every so often :huh: !

After my conversation with this person I offered to help her learn anything she needed help with, (I will probablly never hear another word from this person) No one in their right mind is going to pay good money for a dog that is going to cost more than it did originally and now she has these "behavior problems" that she seems to think are unsolvable. So this poor puppy due to an irresponsible pet breeder (no the breeder did not want the puppy back) selling to a DOPE another Cairn is destined for a shelter or poor home. I certainly think it is a matter of time until this lady wants to get rid of the puppy, lets face it house training issues are one of those things some are only willing to deal with for so long right. To quote this person "there is no reason what so ever that a six month old puppy should not be house trained" well those of us who are less ignorant know better. I wish there was more I could do in these types of situations. Thanks for letting me vent a bit. I hope this little girl finds a great home and the owner gets a clue!


I wish that 99% of the general population knew more about the committment it takes to own a dog...any dog. They get them for various reasons, and then find out that it's not all fun and games. Then the poor pups get dumped at the shelter or abandoned to some basement with no interaction whatsoever. I just don't get people. Why get a dog if they aren't going to put the effort and time into that it needs to be a great dog? Some people, huh? Thanks for doing rescue. It's not always easy, but it sure is worth to the dogs that are saved. I hope she remembers your offer when she gets tired of the poor pup.


I am SO mad I could spit! I'd like to stick HER in a room with a cement floor. Better yet, how about some cement shoes? :mad::mad::mad: What a sweet person you are for offering so much help to her for that little girl. Now I'll be wondering all the time what happens to her.

How about a Cairn telethon so we can all chip in and buy that little baby!

I am SO mad I could spit! I'd like to stick HER in a room with a cement floor. Better yet, how about some cement shoes? :mad::mad::mad: What a sweet person you are for offering so much help to her for that little girl. Now I'll be wondering all the time what happens to her.

How about a Cairn telethon so we can all chip in and buy that little baby!

That is a great idea!!!!


Yes I like the telethon idea - But it's probably off limits right Brad? wink....wink... :) It's just nice to know that all of you have big hearts and want to save all the ones you can :) there's not nearly enough people willing to offer such help for dogs that are clearly unwanted. I should be so lucky to have mine pottied by 6 months! I'm being realistic though and realizing it could take me even up to a year maybe. They're doing good, but they're not going to be ready at 6 months to be accident free.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah


I really don't know what to say. I am ever shocked by people and their blatant careless and selfish attitudes.

What a sad story. Poor little girl.


If it takes a telephone (or Email-athon) I would be happy to chip in but I would not give the B***h more than she paid. Offer 4-500 and she will probably jump at it.



Where's her house??

With everyone here scattered across the country, someone could....... :whistle: . I think you know where this is going.....

I have a feeling I could get in BIG trouble with my thoughts.


Cathy and Piper


Hey guys I am glad I am not the only excentric dog freak in the world (term usually used by friends and family to describe me) I would do almost anything to get this little girl a great home. Hey Brad, would there ever be a possibility of adding a rescue section to this forum? I know my GSD forum has one and I have placed one GSD that way. He would have been euthanised otherwise. I know on that site that it sure helps a lot of doggies find good homes. Something to think about. :idea:


I get goosebumps when I hear about people like this! I feel so sorry for the puppy. I also fear for the puppy. Housebreaking takes lots of patience and I always fear what people will do when they reach their breakig point. Ugh! These people should be sent to THEIR basement!

Hey Brad, would there ever be a possibility of adding a rescue section to this forum?
Discussion about placement of specific dogs remains off-limits for the present time. CTCA has a rescue page and most if not all affiliated Cairn clubs have rescue contacts. Discussion in the abstract (education) is fine; please keep transactional discussions off-line.

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If I can help, I will. People like this are from a very shallow gene pool and they are not needed. They are in the wrong country, no, they are on the wrong planet.

Loki's Dad


I wish I never read this post because I will be worrying about that little pup and his life. If anything comes up regarding his future, count me in to do what I can.

Just another reason why I'm beginning to love animals more than people.


Stories like this break my heart. I can always add a third to my family. I consider $600 a bargin! If I can help let me know.


Well I love hearing that you all are as worried as I am about this dog. I never thought this would happen with a Cairn in rural NE Oregon but I guess we have arrived. :( This lady was so thinking she paid a horendous amount of money for this dog and needed to get it back out of her. I don't think she will find anyone to place the dog with around here, people around here still aren't used to the idea of paying any money for a dog, so who knows where she will end up. I told the lady that I would love to help her, give her advice on grooming and training if she needed it, I am just so sad over the things she said I wonder where people like this come from... :mad:


This makes me so sad. I'm sick of how people want to get rid of their pets as if they're used furniture. I can't even read the classifieds anymore w/o getting upset. I'm in a rather small city but recently visited my parents, who live in a large city. Stupid me looked the classifieds and got so frustrated to see so many puppies for sale. It's almost like everyone has odea to breed for a profit or at least breed their dog just once for a puppy. Well, what about the rest of the litter? Then there's the puppies that are older and decribed as "active, needs a large yard", or "full of energy", which really means these owners have given up w/ the dog. It's so sad for these puppies that are an impulse buy. I feel so bad for this little Cairn, just like I do any pup that isn't getting the proper attention it so deserves. Leaving it alone in the backroom on cement is cruel. Hopefully this pup will get a new home, at least that's my prayer.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

Well I love hearing that you all are as worried as I am about this dog. I never thought this would happen with a Cairn in rural NE Oregon but I guess we have arrived. :( This lady was so thinking she paid a horendous amount of money for this dog and needed to get it back out of her. I don't think she will find anyone to place the dog with around here, people around here still aren't used to the idea of paying any money for a dog, so who knows where she will end up. I told the lady that I would love to help her, give her advice on grooming and training if she needed it, I am just so sad over the things she said I wonder where people like this come from... :mad:

Boy, all this sounds so familar. I've been doing rescue for 8 years (talk about a way to burn out your compassion for the human race. Try doing dog rescue for a little while.) I can not even fathom how people deal with child services!! I never would pay someone for their dog that needed rescue either. You did all you can do KCSDogs, and offered to help train and teach her to groom her Cairn. GOLD STARS in your crown! Let's hope you planted a seed and she will mull it over in her mind. Hopefully she will keep your phone number and call you sooner than later. I think the only way to change how people see dogs and companion animals in general is to change how the animals are treated in our society. As long as pets are commodities, people are going to see them as expendable. My thing has always been that companion animals should not be under the USDA. But before I go off on a rant, I'll just sign off! :mad:

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart


I may be the only one who feels this way, but, I'm thinking about the dog and don't want to get hung up on the fact that this crazy owner wants a mere $50 more than she paid for it. Of course she's off her rocker, but I wouldn't quibble over that amount of money if it would save the dog's life. $600 is no small amount, but a Cairn's life is worth much more. (In the last few months I spent $2,000.00 in Vet bills for my precious pooch, but that's another story...).

Understanding that you do Cairn rescue, I would assume you can contact Cairn clubs to help rescue this Cairn. I'd be more than happy to chip in with others in order to buy this Cairn's freedom.

***Brad... I know this type of transaction would not be permitted on our site. Is it permissible for us to contact each other privately?



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