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Izbell and Babies


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Hey everyone. Well I still cant figure the video thing out. Which is really too bad cuz they are so cute and funny, seeing the roly poly little things tripping over nothing and running top speed to the back door to go outside. If I ever do master getting them up I will definately let you all know.

I do have 2 New Photo albums up for you guys, one is from week 4 and one is recently Summer fun. Izbell is a master boat dog, we knew this from taking her to the lake a lot but now that we have a pool we bought her a "boat" and she is out in the pool everytime we go out there. Hee hee. the babies, which are not allowed anywhere near the pool fence!!! are finding all about the big world outside! they come running when I say "Outside, come on lets go outside." They really learn things so quickly! They are pros at using the doggy door on their own, which leads to a 12'x6' dog/cat run. (puppy proof!) Except they are terrified of the flap on the doggie door, all but Fiona will sit and bark and growl at the flap but wont push it open, so when they are out of the pen I have to pin it open so they can come and go as they need.

Well I could go on and on and on but I am supposed to be sleeping right now, but its the only time my daughter is not on it! Gotta love teenagers! :wub:

Hope to chat with you all soon.

Photo link - http://hhoky.photosite.com/

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Ahhh,l they are so cute!!! Makes me want another one badly. (note to self: get a grip!) Love the pool!! We always taught our dogs to swim by giving them a boat.

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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The puppies are adorable! You must be having the time of your life, I know my dd would be in her glory to have those pups to play with. I love your pool and know my Cairns would too.

Thanks for sharing!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Ahhh,l they are so cute!!! Makes me want another one badly. (note to self: get a grip!) Love the pool!! We always taught our dogs to swim by giving them a boat.

Yeah look what happened to me because I couldn't just get one.... :)! I just love the puppy pics - I could take on a million if I had the time and the room. Even in their most destructive moments I love them all to pieces.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Your pictures are great! Izbell looks so happy with her babies and with her boat! The puppies are adorable they grow so fast!!!

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Simply precious..... I can just smell the puppy breath! :wub:

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Thanks everyone for the great comments! These guys are so great! Izbell loves her boat, and she thinks she is the life gaurd on duty whenever anyone is in the pool. hee hee She actually grabs your hand in her mouth and pulls you up on to the decking and once she thinks your safe she runs off to grab the next person splashing. It really cracks me up! Its my last week with 2 of the babies :( but the other 3 are staying here, well one is staying only for a few more weeks, but hey more time is more time right. ;) I have reached my limit with my photo albums so I am going to have to sign up again so I can post more...cant get enough of those baby photos! Wishing you all great Cairn filled days.

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