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Is this just perfect?


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I know I had posted aobut my current vet - but due to the fact that Elouise has Kennel cough that didn't clear on the first round of antibiotics AND she has Giardia, I decided to stick with the current vet until she is better. Well, my boss is a psychologist and told me (He is NOT one of her patients but talks to her when she brings her dogs in) that he has a lot of stress in his life right now and had a hard life growing up. How Elouise knew this, I don't know. But he was checking her out this morning, and lately she goes crazy when she sees a guy and she licks them all over and paws at them. It's SO cute. But she sat there and looked up at him with the strangest look of emotion in her eyes - a cross between sad and down right ADORABLE! He leaned over to listen to her lungs and what does she do? Before I tell you, let me explain that he is NOT the kinda guy who gets all gooshy over someone's dog, but he HAS told Elouise twice that she's cute! (Soemthing he jsut doesn't do) and so here he is leaning over to listen to her lungs and she leans over and gives him a big SMOOCH on the nose! And when he DIDN'T respond (Which means he enjoyed it, I assume) she did it AGAIN! I thought it was the most precious thing I have ever seen in my life, and he really seemed to soften after that! I can see a book coming - about a dog who travels around changing the lives of various people. I know, it's probably been done. But it's just so sweet!


Awwww, thats the cutest thing I have heard of in a while. Isn't the intellegence and capacity of love in these little guys the best! I tell you they are smarter than we are sometimes. Give Elouise a hug for me, to let her know I am greatfull she is in the world!

And on a side note...ain't it great when 'tough' guys gush? ;)


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