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I am new to the site and am really enjoying all the stories and information.

My girls are below. The red coat is Lily (2 yrs old) and blue coat is Grace (3 yrs old). We got Grace as a puppy and decided to get another (Lily) about 7 months ago. It took about a week to before Grace would even look at Lily but now they are BEST, BEST friends (most of the time!).

I am getting alot of good advice from this site. Grace has itchy skin, Lily is having a hard time with the house training.

We love these dogs so much! Hope the picture works!


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Hi :)

More cute little Cairns! I swear I'm totally addicted to cute furry Cairn faces. Sounds like Grace has some allergies maybe - there's some good posts in here about allergies :) and unfortunately I'm probably not the best with advice for Lily and house training. Mine are only 5 months old and I'm very much dealing with potty training still... once I figure it out I'll let you know... HA! :) Anyways welcome to the forum -

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Welcome to the group! What gorgeous little girls you have and I absolutely love their names. I think you'll find a lot of great information here. It's been a God send to me in the last couple of years.

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Welcome LilyGrace! This forum is great for info and just sharing Cairn stories. I have three Cairns I'm in love with, Kiara (5), Abbey (2 1/2) and Hannah (2). I've been fortunate that mine have never had skin problems yet. I doubt I could honestly say that Abbey is 100% potty trained if I didn't take her out when Kiara or Hannah ask to go out.

Glad you joined the group here. Your two Cairns are both adorable.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thanks everybody! I might be biased...but I do think Cairns are really cute dogs.

We are getting alot of good advice from this site for Grace's itchy skin. The vet said she had a staff infection from scratching so she was on an antibiotic for a week and we also did the topical steroid spray for a week. We gave her the steroid spray for now because it was breaking my heart to watch her scratch all day.

I am hoping to find another solution but for now the itching has stopped.

Lily's housetraining is going very slow. I know we should crate her but...this is her third home and her first owner (we heard) kept her in a crate all day with very little attention. So, I know the right thing to do is crate her but I just can't bring myself to do it. My husband and I just walk her about 6 times a day and that is working (sorta!). Both dogs are very good with the run of the house. No chewing or destroying anything. The neighbors told us they sit on the back of the couch all day and give everybody that walks by the "business". They own the street!

We love their names too! We named Grace but Lily came with a name. So, accidently we ended up with

"Lil & Grace"...which happens to be one of my favorite TV shows. It was meant to be :P

Lynn & Dave

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Hi and welcome to the group!

Great site and your dogs are so cute! You are right Cairns are the cutest dogs ever!

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We got the coats from Lands End. They are very nice, fleece on the inside, little collers to protect their ears and weahter proof outside. They are around $20.

It took them awhile before they wanted to be seen wearing the coats. I swear Lily was ashamed! but now they seem fine.

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