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Vet Question


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Okay, as I mentioned before, I work as a live-in nanny. My boss brings her dogs tot his one guy who she is on a first name basis with. She has known him since her 15 year old son was little! So that's a long time. It was just automatically assumed I would bring Elouise there, which is fine, because I thought he was GREAT with my charge (Who has special needs) and I think he's funny. Well, since I've brought Elouise in I have found it really hard to communicate with him. For starters I was going to ask him if he could put my sick ferret to sleep (He doesn't do exotics but I figured he might put him to sleep for me) I started off by telling him my ferret has adrenal gland disease and he goes from there to put his two cents ina nd wouldn't let me get a word in edgwise which told turned me off from asking him anything about my ferret because I was upset about having to put him down to begin with :( So then he calls the next day to tell me Elouise has been exposed to "Giardia" (Sp?) and it's a zoo-something or other (The word that means humans can get it, too). I had no idea what either of these words mean and I say, "What? She has what?" instead of expounding he repeats EXACTLY what she has. Then tells me when she's done with the meds for her cough we can start on meds for this if she shows symptoms. Great. I said, "What exactly does she have?" He repeats the same thing!!! Then says, "Want me to spell it?" I spent the next twenty minutes searching on the internet until I figured out what it was! DUH! I know, I should have asked him, but I didn't. Like I said, I can't really commuicate with him well. I took my ferret to be put to sleep today by another vet who was soooooo nice and soooo understanding. Very kind and easy to commuicate with. My boss was a little dissapointed when I told her I was thinking of switching vets - but do you think I have cause to? Seems to me that if my vet won't make an effort to communicate with me or it's just not working, that's not good for my little Elouise!!! Any feedback/opinions?

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I say take your animal to a vet that you can afford, communicate with and who's experience fits your requirements. The perfect vet for your boss may not be the perfect vet for you. Changing vets is pretty common until you find one that you are comfortable with, like finding a family doctor.



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I think you did the right thing. You have to feel comfortable with your vet and communication is a big part of that.

Sorry to hear about your ferret.

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Absolutley get a vet you feel good about. There are like 4 vets at the offfice I go to, and I request two of the four...it's just a personal preference....do what feels good to you. I didnt like the sound of your bosses vet, sounds like a smart ass to me. And you dont need that when you're worried about a pet.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I pick a vet just like I picked my childrens' pediatrician. Someone I feel comfortable with, can communicate with and who does not look at me like I'm an idiot when I ask questions, or make suggestions. My current vet did not know much about Wheaten Terriers when we first started going to him, and he was grateful for anything I brought him about PLE/PLN the kidney wasting diseases. If I offered a suggestion for something I had heard through the forum, he was all for trying it. He is a wonderful caring person and knows we love our animals and treat them like family (which they are!) My pediatrician used the same line everytime I took one of the kids in. "So mom, what do you think is wrong?" It made me feel so good to know he wanted my input on what I thought. Afterall, I spent all the time with my kids so I knew what symptoms they had, and my gut feeling as to what may be wrong. My vet is exactly the same. He wants my input first before he even opens his mouth. When we move, I will be looking for someone just like Doc Gartenberg.

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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I agree with the other posters that choosing a vet is much like choosing a family physician. You search until you know that the match is the correct one:)

Blessings to your ferret. I have raised two of them in my life and they were sheer joy....a bit messy as I was never successful with litter training them, but what fun pets they are!

I also know how hard it is to put a pet down. Two years ago we had to put down our lab mix, Miss Lucy, due to sever hip dysplasia. She was a grand old Dame, that one, I miss her terribly still:(

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Thanks for the advice, all! I feel better about changing vets.

Wow, another ferret owner! How cool! I was a little sad this morning about it and when I came out of the shower (Elouise insists on being in the bathroom with me at all times!) Elouise was just sitting there looking at me with these big pitiful eyes! Like she felt so bad for me. So I scooched down and gave her a big kiss on her little puppy nose. She is sooo sweet! I saw a cute silver mitt ferret at the pet store today and wanted to bring it home. Any idea how terriers would get along with a ferret? My ferret got along GREAT with my friend's pomeranian. I mean, ferrets are much like little dogs, in that they think and behave like they are much bigger - I would fear as much for the dogs safety as I would for a ferret's! I kept mine seperate from Elouise, though, because he was so sick :(

Elouise is not feeling well today. She is going to get dewormed (Giardia) on monday, so she was a little mopey this evening...I was horrified that she was dying - but my boss (a psychologist, luckily!) made me get a grip and told me I was still upset about Amadeus (my ferret). Good thing she knows dogs, and one of hers has had giardia before and he acted like this. Phew!

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