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A New Veggie For Scully


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We're always telling my mom not to feed Scully from the table - but does she listen??? NOPE!

Now she has Scully eating corn on the cob. :(




I'm visualizing the future poop now.... well at least Scully is happy... and if it makes you feel any better I'm sure my mother might do the same thing... hopefully it had butter on it - see now I'm hungry.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah

Goforette, I cringe every time I have to go to the vet's. Scully's overweight and despite my best efforts, Grandmom is home with her all day so she gets "little nibbles" as she calls it. I think I'm going to haul Grandmom in there the next time and let HER face the vet... :D


Scully says, " BUT MOM!!! It is so good!"

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


I had the same thought as goforette! Future POOPS, ewwww.

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart


how cute :wub:

Teona likes raw zucchini


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