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star of the day, who will it be?


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Cricket is now 4 months old and attended her first clicker training Level 1 class today. We have been working with the clicker and training since we brought her home(I am experienced with clicker training with my Lab) Iuse it everyday to shape behaviours I want.

I am so proud. She worked so well around the distractions of other dogs and people. Of course she wasn't perfect but most often she was looking at me for direction and paying attention to me! We are bit more advanced than the other folks in the class. I already have a reliable "sit" "watch me" and "lets go". We worked more on "settle" and "down" and target training in class for continued work at home this week.

I was beaming when I left class. :D

The woman next to me kept letting her lab mix pup wander over in our space to try and play with Cricket and most of the time I was able to get Cricket to ignore and focus!

Good girl Cricket!

this is the most recent pic of Cricket with Lucy my Lab and my Mom's dog Blue who is staying with us indefinately.



My my she is growing up, she has a good pack to thrive in.




Congrats to Cricket!!!! It is a great feeling to have the star pupil! I remember when we were in class and Savannah won one of the contests at the end of the class. I was so excited, you would have thought my child brought home stragiht A's or something! I think the reason that we are so proud is because we are the one's that are training them to do it she when they shine, we kind of shine too! Anyway, congrats again and keep up the good work!

P.S. - Cricket is sure beautiful and so are her other furry siblings!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


Way to go, Cricket!!!!


Congrats Cricket amd Mom:)


Cricket is such a cutie pie!! I just love her name!

Maybe she can come to our place and show Barney a thing or two about being good!! :whistle:

I bought one of those Gentle Leader training collars and LOVE IT! After Barney got used to it, he walked like a perfect gentleman on it!! No more dragging or lagging!! What a cool invention....wish I thought of it! I'd be a millionare!

Good job Cricket girl!! :):)

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


Yeah Cricket! Gold stars for her and her "trainer!" I'm signing Angus up for obedience training as soon as he gets healed from his neuter. He knows a lot of commands, but he is beginning to get obstinant. I have a feeling I'm going to be really embarrassed at training class. His pop taught him a cute trick. Sit and bark at us until we pay attention to him. It is most annoying!! Bad husband, bad boy! :mad:

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart


High fives to Cricket and mom!! She is absolutely adorable and her furry pals are terrific looking as well.


Well done Cricket, you show those other dogs how smart you are :thumbsup:


My girls as of last night ignored me completely - I think they have forgotten everything I have been able to teach them... I have inspiration from Cricket :) I'm with Barney's mom I love her name -

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah


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