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Izbell and puppies


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Well the babies are now 5 weeks old and just so completely Cairns! I havent posted any pics in a while and I will tell you why. They wont hold still long enough for me to snap a pick! I mean it, they will be playing or doing the cutest thing and I grab the camera, which I always keep close now, and blink, they are gone, and I have a nice picture of the carpet. Grrr. I do have some video I am trying to figure out how to let you all see...I think I can host it on a web page and then post the link. I'm not sure but I will let you know as soon as I figure it out. They all are just too cute and spunky. But man..what a lot of work. Izbell is being no help at all now, she doesn't even want to nurse anymore, though I cant blame her those little teeth are very very sharp! I am glad we have Odie now though, she has become their little Nanny. Its really funny (ok a little back story on Odie. My mother-in-laws terrier mix Sassy died last summer from liver failure, my MIL spends the summer months working up on the Rim in the mountains living in a trailer just her and her dog and the woods. Blissful. So when Sassy passed away she didn't want to go up alone, she bought Odie a cocker/poodle mix and up they went...oops she is a puppy and MIL works 9 hrs a day. 1 pup +1 trailer +9 hours alone = more than MIL can handle. So now Odie lives with us.) She is a 7 month Nanny, its the funniest thing to see her lay and let them 'nurse' Or play with them ever so gently. She really acts like they are all hers. And Izbell is thrilled! hee hee

Anyway I am rambling On and On and On, can you tell I havent been on line in a while. (they should invent a bitter apple or something for teenagers, then maybe I could use my computer more often.Hee hee.)

As soon as I get the video up I'll let you all know.

PS I can feel the little tiny bits of sadness comming, soon they will be going to their new homes. :( But I dont want to think about it yet, I still have a few more weeks. :D


I can't wait to see more pictures, or a video! I use Zippo.com to host some of my short videos....maybe you can give it a try?


Oh my gosh it sounds so fun! I cant wait to see pics. I cannot imagine a litter of cairns....they must be ornory little things!!!! Odie the Nanny, that is so cute....I'd love to see that.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae



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