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The Face of a Miracle

Barney's Mom

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Dear Forum friends,

I just wanted everyone to see the result of all your thoughts and prayers regarding my little Barney. I know he would not be here with me now if it weren't for all of them. He continues to get better and better every day as does his vision. He still isn't 100%, but very close! I just want to thank you all so much for all the encouraging words, the personal emails, and the support you all gave me every day during this ordeal. I could not have gotten through it without all of you! God bless you all!

With Much Love,


Barney's Mom

Mark 10:27

"With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Tell Barney that Tink and her Mom think he is quite a handsome young man, and we are so happy he is getting better. We also like your scripture verse!



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Mary, I'm so happy Barney is doing well. I know from experience that prayers can work miracles...and Barney is proof of this! :hug:

We are truly a Cairn family and Cairn family's stick together! :thumbsup:

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Barney is such a little miracle - :) it does my heart so good to know that he's made it. Thank you for sharing this difficult experience with us. And Barney is so lucky to have landed a family like yours. There is a reason he's in your life - and that you are all together. Big hugs go out as always to Barney & Family :)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Loved Barney's picture; he is quite the handsome young man. So glad for you that he is looking like a happy pup again -- Best to you, Barney, and your family,


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OMG!!! Barney looks JUST LIKE Savannah!!! Only manlier of course Barney... :whistle: I am so glad to see his happy face! Way to go dude! You really beat this thing!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Your little Barney is adorable. My Levi is exactly the same age. I am so thrilled by his recovery. He is the forum's little "miracle boy". Thanks for sharing the cute picture.

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I like to think of this forum and members as Barney's "guardian angels"..... :halo: !

So glad he is doing better!!


Cathy and Piper

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God truly watches over the little creatures of this earth. :halo: It did my heart good to see that picture of Barney. he looks very happy and content! Thanks for posting it Mary.

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That picture just made my day! Barney truly is a miracle and I am so thrilled that he is doing so well. He's absolutely adorable.

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Oh, I just got teary all over again!! He looks great! Thanks for sharing the picture of the little lad we all have taken into our hearts. Keep on truckin' Barney!

Hugs!!!! Your pals,

Angus and his ma, Karen

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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I am so glad that Barney is doing better. God bless you for taking such good care of him. I hope he continues to progress, we will all continue to pray for him. :wub:

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