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Sugar at the Georgia Jail Conference


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I took Sugar with me to the Conference, since I am the Secretary for the Association I was really busy, but Sugar managed to have some fun

She got to ride in the golf cart with her Dad


When she got tired she laid down in the basket


And she met her first turtle on the golf course


She went to the Vendor show, got to help me teach the Team Building Class and when we all got home we were equally worn out! She was so good, traveled well, and loved everyone!

Her brothers stayed home with my sons, but since Sugar is such a chewer she came with us, or that's what I told my hubby anyway :twisted:


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


How adorable she is! And what fun for all of you. It's wonderful when you have such a well-behaved girl that you can take anywhere. :halo: When Sugar travels w/you, how does she travel? By that I mean does she ride in her crate, a carseat, etc? We bought a carseat for Molly, but it isn't large enough for her to lie down. I got the medium size, which I thought would work. Now I need to find a better seat for her.


I think Sugar was giving dad some driving tips!!! Great pictures.


Cute, cute pictures! What happened with the turtle? Did Sugar leave it alone? Scout would have been trying to turn it over and Finch would have barked her head off!


Love the visor.

She should have her own show.....Dogs behaving good


Excellent pics. Sugar is adorable. I would also like to know what happened, if anything, with the turtle.



Sugar stayed a safe distance between her and the turtle. She had room on the leash to go closer but she stayed away. She didn't want any part of the snapping turtle. We ran across some that were as big as she was and she just kept on walking not even looking at the turtles.....I guess they don't move fast enough or she was smart enough to know she couldn't take the turtle on. The hotel cat, frogs and birds she went after but no turtles.

As for traveling in the car. Sugar is always crated. She doesn't sleep she watches everthing going on. I make sure she has ice cubes to chew on. She really likes ice and that makes the trip more fun. I do have the doggie seat belts but I think they feel more secure in the crate. No chance of escape when I open the door!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


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