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Arizona Cairn Owners


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Howdy guys,

My name is Angela. My husband (Tom) and I live in Prescott. Tom, Angela; hence, the TNA.

We just got our little Digger on Father's Day.


I noticed on a couple of other threads that some of you live here in Arizona. Would love to hear from you guys.



Hi, I live in Tempe with my Cairn Pepper and Westie Henry. Love Prescott! You get rain, and you are oh so much cooler. Pepper and Henry are both rescues: Pep is 7 and Henry is 5.




Anytime you guys are headed up this way to cool the h@ll off, let me know, and maybe we can meet and have the kids meet as well.

We spend a lot of time with Digger down at the Courthouse Square. It's a great place for socialization, especially during the summer when there are so many events on the square. With all the people, come lots of dogs. He's really doing good with people and dogs of all sizes. At 9 weeks his first playmate at the square was a giant mastiff. It was too cute to watch. Boy that mastiff was so gentle.

Lets stay in touch.



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