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Roofers have been here since 0830 tearing off three layers of old roof and laying down plywood and new shingles. Six hours and the dogs have been so good....till now! They just discovered things are not the way they should be and are barking up a storm. I'm glad it's only going to take two days!!! Between the racket the roofers make and the rackets the dogs are making, I don't think I could stand much more of this. I'd volunteer to go to work, but my arm is broken, so that's out of the question!

pat....who is wishing she had stocked up on earplugs somewhere along the line!

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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You have my sympathy....I am also in the same boat.

Our road is being tarred...

That consists of loud, giagantic machinery going up and down our street from 8:00 am until 4:00. The 15 or so department workers going up and down the street, the dust, the smell and loud noises that are making my 3 Cairns total idiots.

I had to close all drapes and put a towel across the stairway gate so they couldn't see the chaos. Tomorrow I will play loud music to drown out their sound.

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Oh I am totally there with you! They came to spray in the concrete on our pool this morning at 5:30 and Izbell was gonna make sure I didn't try to sleep through it..grrrr. I do love my sweet little terror but she has this one bark, very high pitch and squeeky, when she is really upset and after about 15 min I thought my entire head would just explode. :) I swear I got up expecting blood to be coming out of my ears..hee hee.

So I get up, politely introduce the pool workers to her and she was good for the rest of the day. to My Amazement! (except for the little warning barks ever hour, just so they didn't forget she was keeping an eye on them I'm sure :devil: ) To top it off the Izbell Total Emergency Monitoring Security system woke the puppies up and they started yapping away (which even that early in the morning was still incredibly cute!) so I spent 1/2 hour playing feeding and getting them back to sleep, and all the while my dear Hubby lay right there in the bed snoring with determination. double grrrr.

By that time I resigned myself to be awake and just started the coffee pot and growled the start of my day. :D Gotta love that dog!

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Oh, my! This brings back very bad memories! About a year ago, our next door neighbor was having a new roof put on. Finch went outside and bolted down the street! I got in my car and drove all around, but couldn't find her. I was backtracking, in the car, when a woman walked up to my car and said that her friend called to say that she picked up a puppy (off a VERY busy street) that was running down the road and appeared very scared! She scooped Finch up because she was afraid that Finch would be run over by a car. The woman I talked to gave me her friends address and I went to pick Finch up. She was on a leash with about 10 kids making a fuss over her....little stinker! I was soooo upset! I had just found out that I had cancer that morning, and then my puppy ran away! I'm glad it's allllll over now!

That is how we found out that Finch is scared to death of roofers! She wouldn't go outside to potty, and I had to feed her downstairs...and they took 2 days to finish my neighbors roof!

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These cute little Cairns didn't get 5 stars for "high alert" for nothing. It can be quite stressful when something out of the norm happens, more stressful to us than them. ;) I can usually reason and quiet Kiara and Hannah, but Abbey is very hard to quiet. She can't even take it when a neighbor is mowing his lawn. I know exactly when anyone in our cul-de-sac comes and goes. I have to keep a rolled newspaper and pound it on the counter to make her shut up.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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