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Posting picture


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Well finally I am able to post Molly's picture so that you can see her. As you can see this this was taken in the winter-I've been trying to get it posted all this time. :blush:

I've been working on getting her face to look more like a cairn's but I'm afraid that 3+ years of having been taken to the groomer's by her previous owners is working against me. But I still think she 's the cutest thing on 4 short legs!


Well, she certainly looks like a Cairn to me. She is absolutely adorable!!!! I am still working on getting my pics up too...so don't feel bad :)


I think she looks wonderful! She has a very "Cairn" look!

Glad you finally figured out the pictures. It took me a while too, but now I've got it down!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


She's adorable...coloring is very similar to my Madison's.


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