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Atticus is home!


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Hello all. I just wanted to share that we brought Atticus home on 07/05 and a total doll. The greatest thing is, he sleeps from 11pm to 6:30am! Also, he already whines to go outside. The breeder I got him from had tons of time for this litter of pups and worked with them daily on potty training since they could eat food. He weighes 4.8lbs. He is a smart little fellow and we took him to the vet (who was very impressed with him, btw) for a check up and is totally healthy.

I dont have a way to post any pics right now, but he looks just like Digger and Buzz. Brindle/Black mask.

Of course, he is a little Demon :devil: already, but whats not to love? He is eating 1/2 cup of food a day right now and doing great. I gave him a small puppy biscuit and all he did was attack it like it was some kind of imposter. He is also quite the little guard dog, or so he thinks, growls at my husband when he hears him getting ready for work. Ferocious beast I tell you. lol. He is just so fun and I cannot wait to share pics.

He already has Grandma wrapped around his paw!


Atticus 05/14/06




So much joy and excitment in your post...I could feel it big time.

Enjoy your little guy. I'm sooooo jealous :lol:

Can't wait to hear stories and see pics.


So much fun!!

Enjoy your new furbaby! Can't wait to see pictures! :)

And I love the name! From one of my favorite movies, with one of my favorite actors!!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


Enjoy the puppy days....they go soooo quickly! I can't wait to see Atticus's sweet face!

I'm curious as to how you picked his name. Atticus is one of the names we were considering with our second puppy. :)


Congratulations!!!!! I guarantee you Atticus will bring you so much love and joy! Like everyone else, I can't wait to see pictures of him.


Congrats on your new baby!!

Sounds like everything is going great!!

I am gonna be 'pushy' and demand a picture!!! Can't wait to see him!! :whistle:


Cathy and Piper


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