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Tooshie curls!

Barney's Mom

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I just couldn't help but share another one of Barney's adorable qualities! I just think it is so cute that his fur curls into two perfect little circles on his cute little bottom! :lol::lol::lol:

Anyone else's puppy have this adorable feature?!


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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A censored pic! That's great.... I'd have to spend hours trying to figure out how to do that, so I can only take the frontal shots for now... ha ha... I'm not sure about the curls. I'll have to check that out later today.... it will give me something to do... like smelling frito feet for the first time. I just love this forum.... ha!

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Savannah has them! No pic to share though. I will try to get one.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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HAHA love the censored picture! Barney's coloring looks a lot like my DDs highlighted hair that she pays a lot of money for! Petey used to have the tushie curls, too, but now he has a yak-butt, so I'm not sure if they're still there.

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Omigosh! Yak butt!! :lol::lol::lol: Never heard that one before

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Sad to report that my girls are curl-less... maybe they had some and they're just smashed (we're practicing the word sit these days....)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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I'm not sure if Finch has any curls, since she has a "yak butt" too....lol! She has very straight hair, but her hair is curly below her tail. Here is a pic that I took this afternoon. This is what she does when she is out on the deck. It looks like she is in prison. :P


Sorry, I didn't cover her private areas. :wub:

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And I'm sure Barney appreciates the "edited" post.

None of mine have that much of a curl...Elliott does have somewhat of a cowlic in that area but I'll be darned if I'm brave enough to put a camera there. He has a hissy fit when I even try and comb that part of his anatomy.

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"Elliott does have somewhat of a cowlic in that area but I'll be darned if I'm brave enough to put a camera there. He has a hissy fit when I even try and comb that part of his anatomy."

This is what zoom lenses are for.....lol! :P

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Currey had some pretty good ones until about 20 minutes ago. Just finished killing the soon-to-be yak butt with some scissors after 2 days in a row of having to "help" with cling-ons....now he has a nice hairless tush!! There are some things in this world that I never expected to a) do and B) tell people I did. This is one of them! sigh....

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The "tooshie curls" post inspires me to tell something I never thought I would share... When my little Cairn poops, he curls his body into an almost perfect little circle...he just looks so darn cute and vulnerable, especially when, at the same time he looks up at me with an expression that seems to say, "why are you looking at me when I'm doing this? Can't I have some privacy? Are you some kind of weido???"

There! I've told you my secret. Please don't hate me! I love him so much I just can't help it....Even his pooping is adorable to me. Am I strange, or what?


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LOL Savannah pumps her tail up and down when she is finished doing her business. I don't know why but it cracks me up.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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LOL!!! You are not wierd!! Barney does the same thing, i.e. curls his body up when he poops and looks at me!!! :P I agree, it is adorable!!

The tail pumps would be hilarious to see!! Barney doesn't pump his tail, but does more of a "squeeze, squeeze" :sick:

when he is finished!

I can't believe we are talking about this!! Too funny!!!!

Just goes to show ya, Cairns are cute even when doing something grose like pooping! What other dog breed can claim that accomplishment??? B)

When we had a lab, we used to joke about his pooping too. We would grade him, Olympics style, on his form! For the highest score, he had to have his nose pointing straight out, his back completely hunched and his tail straight out. Any wobbling of the legs was a fault!! Poor fellow, the older he got, the harder it was to keep the legs from wobbling, but we took that into consideration, rest his soul!

Barney's Mom

member, CCPA (Cute Cairn Poopers Association)

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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I have a funny "poo" story to tell too...although it's not with Cairns. We had a dog we adopted through the local shelter. She was about 35 pounds but looked larger since she was soooo hairy! We had little tots back then and I got tired of picking out poo from my kids shoes. I decided to teach Dottie how to go "poo" in the ivy. We had a heavily shaded yard with ivy on both sides (large areas). It didn't take Dottie long to learn how to poo in the ivy and life was good. We adopted a Golden puppy and Grimm quickly learned how to poo in the ivy too. DH wanted a hunting dog and he tried to train Grimm, but Dottie was having no part this and interfered with the training (according to DH). DH's twin brother wanted to adopt Grimm, so we gave her away after a year. A few days after they took Grimm, my SIL called and asked if we did anything special to get Grimm to poo, because she was refusing to go at their house. It turned out that they didn't have any ivy at their house! My BIL starting taking Grimm on walks in the neighborhood, and Grimm quickly learned to go in regular grass. :huh:

BTW, Grimm is a very happy dog, that we visit often....and she never became a hunting dog!

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LOL Savannah pumps her tail up and down when she is finished doing her business.

Roxy does the tail pumping too... :D I think its funny too...

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That is too funny, Kramer has the two perfect curls too. I will have to take a photo

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Molly does the same thing, only I feel she's embarassed that I'm looking at her. There isn't much that she does that I don't think is cute. Right now she's gotten into taking her leash in her mouth when we go for a walk and it looks like she's walking me!! It's so darn cute, and all the neighbors make such a fuss over her. :wub:

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