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Cricket relaxing on this 4th of July


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she can be such a little monster but we caught her good side on camera... :halo:

we just got back from a great weekend of socializing..she took two ferry rides, went swimming, jumped directly into a wave, and ran on the beach on the LI Sound, met at least a 100 people including small children between the graduation party we attended and the people wanting to say hello to her on the ferry rides. She met at least 5 dogs and played with 3 on the trip and tolerated all sorts of noise, traffic, commotion and crowds like a champ...she was real good at my brother's house and got along with everyone including his dog McGuire...she had a few accidents but that was to be expected...

Cricket=not shy. :P

it really amazes me just how tough these guys are...she never once flinched or cowered in her new surroundings. I thought the vibration and the noise of the engines on the ferry would freak her out...nope..

thought the huge drop of stairs down to the beach from the bluffs might scare her...nope...

thought the fireworks off in the distance might make her worry...nope...

thought the crowds and commotion of getting off the boat and to our car on the lower deck might be too much...nope...

thought she might think twice about running into the LI Sound after Lucy..no, she got hit by a wave, went under, and came up for air and more fun!

Gotta love these guys even though they are sometimes possessed! :twisted:

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What a sweet face! That is a great pic!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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What a precious baby!! I love the pic!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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