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Embarrassed myself in front of them


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Today I received a Barry Manilow CD in the mail (gift from my sister) No snickers please but I just adore him and his music.

I immediately put it in the player and when Bandstand Boogie came on I just let myself go....dancing, singing, performing and enjoying life to the fullest. Didn't even realize that I had an "audience", all three of them sitting in a row with eyes wide open, mouths dropped and a look that has no words to describe.

For a split second I honestly think my face got red!

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They couldn't believe you were having so much fun without them. Next time invite them to dance!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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That's funny! :lol: I can just picture your three sitting there looking up at you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to dance around to music. I'm crazy enough that I'll pick up one of mine and dance w/ them. It's funny because the others will get jealous.

BTW, no snickers from me, years ago I use to play the piano and I loved playing Barry Manilow music. I know he's made another comeback and people seem to love him. I think I still have his old album for whatever it's worth now, which isn't much being most people don't have a record player.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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How cool that you'd do that!!! It's very difficult for a lot of people to act naturally, which is exactly what you did.

I would have done the same thing, with or without an audience.

Thanks for sharing a normal human instinct (sp), at least in my book..............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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I can picture it....at our house the audience is one curious carin with head cocked to the side, and two embarrassed felines.



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What a riot ! The upright let's loose- they probably loved it ! Thanks for sharing - I'm picturing the whole scene - and it's making me chuckle this a.m.

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My boys would have stormed you, thinking that you were wanting to play.

:whistle: Of course I would never chase Mett & Bratt around the house with my best wicked witch of the west voice with "Fee Fi Foe Thumb, I smell the blood of a Scottsman"

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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My boys would have stormed you, thinking that you were wanting to play.

:whistle: Of course I would never chase Mett & Bratt around the house with my best wicked witch of the west voice with "Fee Fi Foe Thumb, I smell the blood of a Scottsman"

Exactly. :whistle:

Max and Nelly

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What a terrific story!! I have always loved Barry Manilow and years ago went to several of his concerts! Boogie on Cairn Mama!

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