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Story about Los Angeles Animal Services


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"Several city officials sharply criticized a planned bikini contest to raise money for spaying pets, saying the "Hooters for Neuters" event was degrading to women. Hosted by the Hooters restaurant chain, the July 13 fundraiser will donate money to the spay and neuter programs at Los Angeles Animal Services.

"Councilwoman Jan Perry said the department's attempt to be creative in telling pet owners to sterilize their animals "crosses the line." "I was surprised and amazed with the photograph on the flier, and I don't think it projects a good image for the city of Los Angeles," Perry said."

:shock: Only in America

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-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

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Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.



This reminds me a bit of the famous antics of the PETA organization. I wholeheartedly support PETA's mission, but some of their media stunts to "create awareness" are extremely detrimental to their cause, in my opinion. Not only is this example degrading to women (I'd like to know how many WOMEN approve of the Hooters franchise!), I think it takes the seriousness away from the issue at hand

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


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