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Eli, here!


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Boy, things are lively here. Boxes and suitcases and stuff. For what I can figure out, the Alpha B and the older-than-dirt dude are leaving for Minnesota and not taking me! :( They are leaving me with the teen-alien and we have to water all the those stupid plants she's been digging. You can bet I will do my part on that one. Then around the middle of the month I finally get to go in the car and go to Minnesota with the teen-aliens. So I won't be online for a while. Maybe I will catch a chipmunk or a bear when I am there. :thumbsup: I'll let you know. Don't worry; I will not let the eagle carry me off! I will bark at him and chomp him!

Later! Woof!

Eli B)


Happy Trail Eli - hae a good trip to Minnesota



HAve a great trip Eli. Sure will miss your posts while you are gone!

PS - While you are on you trip, be on the look out for CUR ideas!

Woof! Savannah

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


Oh yes, we will definately miss you, Eli. Stay safe.


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