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Loki says YIPPEE !


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post-1436-1151674877_thumb.jpgYIPPEE !!! Mom forgot to close the door and I finally get the Charmin !!!! :devil: Gotta love em !!!

Boy oh boy, can I relate to that one!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Our closed door problem is the pantry in our kitchen! We keep plastic grocery sacks on the floor in there, and any time someone opens it to get food out, Barney's radar goes off and he makes a beeline for the bags!! He runs off with a wad of them in his mouth, shaking them to death, then he REFUSES to be caught! Little stink pot!! :devil:

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


A babygate installed in bathrooms & other hard places will be worth it's weight in gold for you both.

Also, trashcans that have foot levers to open are also suggestable. :devil:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


Wow that picture looked like my kitchen after a good shreading of the pee pad (we gave up on pad training as you can imagine...)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah

Been there. Done that!! :D



Ahhh, Charmin is sooooo soft and chewy!! :whistle:

Cathy and Piper


LOL! You ought to send that picture to Charmin!


Dawg! Way to go! Good job on the shredding. Quality product, too! Keep up the good work. Now for your next trick. Get into that room with the big white water chair and unroll the TP in there. Drag it all over the house and then shred it. Uprights get real excited when you do that!


Eli B)


Loki found a lot of fun in a roll of toilet paper! :D


The looks on Loki's face says, "what's your problem? I'm just having fun here!"


:lol: I miss the puppy stage.....I really do!


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