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Health Insurance


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As far as health insurance is concerned, is it a good idea? If so, are there any companies that are good and are there other companies to steer away from? Lola is 4 months old and otherwise healthy & happy but I wanted to get a jump start on insurance. Thank you!


We use insurance from Banfield, which we are very happy with. We have had the same insurance for about 4 years now.


Unfortunately Banfield is not available here in Alaska, anyone else have an insurance company they would recommend?


We use VPI and have been plesaed thus far. They offer a Superior Plan which covers partial costs for heartworm prevention, Flea & tick prevention, vaccines, spay/neuter, etc.

VPI also offers a multi-pet discount of 5%. Their claim process is simple. It renews automatically annually unless you notify them in writing otherwise.

We did not have the insurance in place when our male, Cody, fractured his rear leg. It costs us $1300. in vet & surgery bills.

If we had the insurance at the time of his injury, 90% of the cost would have been reimbursed after a $50.00 deductible.



We're also using VPI Pet insurance and have been super pleased. We have the Superior Plan and Cancer Plan (hopefully we'll never need it). So far it's helped with our puppy vaccinations and fecal tests etc. And our plan will also assist us when we decide to spay. I've spent thousands in the past for my dogs from cancers, to reconstructive knee surgery, to rehabilitation - etc. - so this time around I insisted upon insurance. Would highly recommend it for everyone you just never know when something is going to happen and you need help.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah

Thank you for the responses! I think that we are going to go with VPI.


I just signed our cat up with VPI because I wanted to save some money on her spay. I got the superior plan with the added vaccine plan. I also plan on adding the girls really soon.


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