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Buzz Lightyear's webpage


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In a vain attempt to document and share Buzz Lightyear's unstoppable rocket to startdom, I have setup a webpage and photo page for him. I'll post movies of his adventures, and the photopage will be updated with new picutes regularly.

He is amazing. Really. I had two airdales and a jack russell growing up. As the first dog of my own, this guy is about all I could ask for. He is super smart, fearless, energetic, yet he chills out nicely, is comfortable with *anyone* holding him, he's not scared of other dogs, he doesn't bark incessantly (yet), and he's pretty good at the housetraining thing seeing he is only 13 weeks! We love him. And everyone who meets him does too, which is cool.

We took him to an ultimate frisbee tournament this weekend and he had about 20 different babysitters. (For those who are not familiar with ultimate fribsee, it's like football with a frisbee - check out some photos of the event here: http://www.pbase.com/hanweihsieh/2006_buda...n_invitational He was perfectly at home in anyone's arms, sleeping in a frisbee http://www.pbase.com/zaps21/image/62571828 , or napping in a backpack http://www.pbase.com/zaps21/image/62568552 .

More photos and movies to come...


Parent of Buzz Lightyear. http://www.zaps21.com/buzz.htm



OMIGOSH! What a totally adorable little boy you have!!!! I loved looking at all the photos of him! He looks really little! How old is he right now?

I just have one question: How in the world did you get him to STAY in your backpack??????? Barney would have wiggled out in a heartbeat at that age!

Looks like you three are going to have some wonderful times together! :D

Enjoy your precious new baby!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


see responses in the quoted text below.

OMIGOSH! What a totally adorable little boy you have!!!! I loved looking at all the photos of him! He looks really little! How old is he right now?

>>He is just over 12 weeks old. Weighs about 6 pounds. I noticed your puppy's ears are already pricked right up. When did this happen? Buzz is still floppy as ever.


I just have one question: How in the world did you get him to STAY in your backpack??????? Barney would have wiggled out in a heartbeat at that age!

>>Well, by that time of day, about 3pm, he was exhausted from all the excitement of the day. He was sleeping in people's arms and people were tired of holding him. On a hiking trip a couple years back ( http://zaps21.com/photo/071904prezzies/pages/IMG_2368.htm ) my mom's jack russell terrier was pooped and refused to walk another step on the sharp snow/ice. She was also freezing. So I made her a hot water bottle and plopped her in the top of my pack. http://zaps21.com/photo/franconia_may03/pages/DSCN4972.htm

This happened again the next year when we got caught in a thunderstorm on mount washington, NH. http://zaps21.com/photo/071904prezzies/pages/IMG_7635.htm . I tried to make her a raincoat out of a trashbag, but it didn't really work, so in she went again! When I stopped and took her out, she hopped right back in--she was so tired.

So, that's where I got the idea, and he loved it. probably a good view from up there as well. Seemed content as a clam.


Looks like you three are going to have some wonderful times together! :D

Enjoy your precious new baby!

Parent of Buzz Lightyear. http://www.zaps21.com/buzz.htm



Wow! We are loving these gorgeous pictures of your trips!!! My husband is soooooo jealous! He was born in Oregon, and he is really hurtin' living in Illinois, which is void of any natural beauty whatsoever!!! We are big time campers, and the camping around us is pretty pitiful. BTW, you must have an awesome camera

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


Thanks for the good words! If you ever want to use some photos, let me know!

one of buzz's ears is creepin up...


Parent of Buzz Lightyear. http://www.zaps21.com/buzz.htm



keegan, Your pics are incredible.....did you take all those??? I have a great camera but I dont think i could do that with it. You could make Illinois look good!!!!

My Dori's ears didnt pop up till almost a year old and after she was groomed, it will happen. It just gives them lots of expression anyway.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae



He is soooo adorable! I love the shot of Buzz sleeping in the frisbee.....too cute!


Yeah, i took all those. I'd love to make a career out of it, but haven't given it my all yet. Thanks for the good words. I actually think I prefer his ears flopped over, but I bet he'll still be cute with them pricked up!


Parent of Buzz Lightyear. http://www.zaps21.com/buzz.htm




Buzz is precious! He looks like Angus and they have the same taste in toys. Angus had 1 ear up and 1 down when we rescued him in april. Now both stand up proudly and are very BIG looking. We're hoping he grows into them eventually.

The pictures are incredible. Love the backpack shot. We look forward to seeing a lot more in the future.

Angus as 9 weeks on the left side of the pic. He's now a big boy of five months. His sister Ginny on the right, she was adopted through rescue too.

Karen and Angus

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart



Your boy looks almost identical to my new Digger. Digger is a little smaller at 9-1/2 weeks, but their markings and colorings are so close. I realize they will change as they get older, do you know the lineage of your pup?

I thought I was looking at my own Digger in some of those shots. We are as fortunate as you, inasmuch as Digger is very similarly behaved as your Buzz, as you had described him. Soon as I get that dang new camera I'll be posting pictures, and you'll see the likeness.

Have lots of fun, and give him lots of love.



I can just smell all the puppy breath..... :wub: !

Cairn puppies are the absolute cutest, EVER!!


Cathy and Piper



I love everything! Great photos, and you seem to be having a great life! Buzz Lightyear is so lucky.



He is just so cute....his little face is so curious...what a doll baby




What a wonderful post and as Brad mentioned.....such a great social introduction to the world of humans.

I also love the frisbee pic.... they do make larger frisbees that he'd fit in perfectly. :lol:

Your little guy is gonna rule!! Thanks for the entertainment.


He is so handsome!! Great pics. I really love that shot when he is mid-air !!


My breeder mentioned that when the ears are not perking up you can do a little grooming and remove some of the hair which encourages the ears to straighten up sooner. I do agree they are cute either way. Mojo's were standing tall by about 8 weeks.


Your boy looks almost identical to my new Digger. Digger is a little smaller at 9-1/2 weeks, but their markings and colorings are so close. I realize they will change as they get older, do you know the lineage of your pup?

I thought I was looking at my own Digger in some of those shots. We are as fortunate as you, inasmuch as Digger is very similarly behaved as your Buzz, as you had described him. Soon as I get that dang new camera I'll be posting pictures, and you'll see the likeness.

Have lots of fun, and give him lots of love.


I got him from a breeder in Missouri. His mom is registered, but doesn't seem to have won any awards. His great-great grandfather is "ch cairmar's tony mc lin" and the generation before that includes, "ch cairmar fancy" and "ch ms mcd." Don't know if that means much to you, but...


Parent of Buzz Lightyear. http://www.zaps21.com/buzz.htm



All I can say is....WOW! Great pics and what a handsome, lovable little guy. Just terrific!


Your Buzz is one cute pup. Looks like you are having a great time with him, thanks for sharing.

Your Buzz is one cute pup. Looks like you are having a great time with him, thanks for sharing.



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