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Digger's Finally Home


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Howdy all. Some of you may know that I've been waiting 8+ long weeks to bring home our baby Cairn. Well on Father's Day our wait ended. We brought the little boy home, and I took off all last week to get him some what settled into his new home. :wub:

We originally named him Barley, but had him home only 12 hours and immediately changed his name to Digger. With the way he loves his stuffed buddy, we should call him Sir Humper-Digger, but nonetheless it's Digger.

Unfortunately, digital camera took a dump so I don't have pictures yet, but will post soon. He is the most wonderful little boy. Today is his first day of being in his "room" with noone home for a while, though we practiced separation all last week. The only one feeling separation anxiety, I believe, is me. :huh:

He's already using his "Pee Pad", walking on a leash, and starting to respond to his name. Also, digging, biting, and learing that he has a voice. We'll take the good with the bad! :innocent:

Now I'm a true member of the forum.


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Congratulations, and welcome to Cairn parenthood as well as this forum.

Things sound like they're going well...just wait 'til adolescence! :devil:

Just kidding, Digger sounds like a wonderful pup...just hang around

here in case the need for advice should arrive and again, congratulations!

Tara, Olie, Teddy and Sweet Pea's Mom

Max and Nelly

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What a wonderful Father's Day present for your family. We know how you have anticipated his arrival. :Please post pics just as soon as you get another camera. As always, we're here for you for any questions you may have (hopefully answers will be forthcoming) or if you get the urge to vent. And believe me, that day will come because you are now the proud owner of a Cairn. Congratulation on your new baby boy. I'm sure Digger is aptly named.

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Congrats on baby digger. I've been delighted beyond belief since my new girls arrived just weeks ago - can't wait to see pup photos - they're all so expressive - and this site will help you tons - it's been my saving grace for weeks now.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Congratulations!!! I am still laughing over "Humper Digger" - all I could think of was Englebert Humperdink or whatever the heck his name is. Digger's a terrific name. I know we're all waiting to see pictures.

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Enjoy!! There's nothing like a new Cairn puppy (well, maybe having TWO Cairn pups) :lol:

Keep us posted on all the fun activities.

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Thanks everyone for welcoming little Digger. If you want a glimps of what he looks like, look at photos of Buzz. They look like they could be identical twins. I had to tell Keegan that I though I was looking at Digger in those photos. Based on what Keegan has said, Digger behaves very similar to Buzz.

Fun story to share with you all. Sunday after my husband had mowed the lawn, Digger and I were out playing in our large back yard, when he so excitedly brought me a present. Well he thought it was a present, I thought it was half a dead snake. Obviously, not escaping the lawn mower. So I wrestled it from his strong jaw grip, but got it away. Well, yesterday was Digger's first day at home in his room while I went back to work, so I was quite anxious to get home and play with him. I jokingly said "Digger, go find the other half of that snake". :huh: Two minutes later he comes from about 15 yards running at top speed. There in his mouth the top half, including head, of the snake. I was only kidding DIGGER :shock: I think our pond and garter snakes may be in trouble.

He just has so dang much personality! We love him so! (Snake breath and all!)


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Sorry it has taken me some time to get a new camera, but I'm ready to show off Digger.

Digger & DH


Digger at 9-1/2 Weeks


Digger looking for fish in his pond


Many more to come!



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Your little pup is adorable! Please keep more pictures coming. Digger's color is like my 7-yr-old Pepper but that can sure change.

I like your tile and am so glad I have some in living room and kitchen. Carpet got "loved to death" by a total of 4 terriers. :lol:


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You wrestled a "part-snake" from the jaws of a Cairn? I love all God's creatures but snakes are at the bottom of my list.

He is just a doll! :wub: I can see his personality through the gleam in his eyes. :lol: You're in for a whole lotta fun....

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Digger's a sweetie! His coloring will come in handy - at least the dirt he digs up will blend into his fur! :D

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Your new baby is adorable!!! I know I am biased, but I really think Cairn puppies and adult dogs are the cutest dogs in the world!! I know you agree! :)

Keep this wonderful forum bookmarked in your browser as you and Digger get to know each other! It is SOOOO helpful when you have questions that a book or vet can't answer. Just the "living life with a Cairn" questions that only people that have them can answer.

And, as in the picture below, you will probably find yourself doing this, if you haven't started doing it already! I just find that I can't quit giving Barney hugs and kisses!! Thankfully he likes to get them! :wub: Doesn't he look like he's saying, "Aw, gee Mom! Do ya hafta do that all the time??"

Enjoy your new baby!!


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Gosh, I am so sorry I missed this post and didn't congratulate you on getting Digger. He is precious looking and sounds like he's in the making to be a good snake hunter. My oldest Cairn, Kiara would be in heaven to have that pond. We were gone for a week to N.C. and left Kiara & Abbey at the doggie hotel. Kiara seemed to have missed me until her eyes saw the great outdoors. She wasn't home even 10 minutes when she killed a black racer in our backyard. I was mad because racers and garters are good snakes and keep the rattle snakes away. Just a few days ago, she killed another garter snake.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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