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finger cots from col. potter rescue rule!


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Before Cricket even arrived home, I ordered a set of finger cots, a Mars King Coat and a stripping knife in anticipation of keeping up with Cricket's grooming. I ordered them for Col Potter Rescue.(I hope it is okay to say that)

She is starting to look "blousy"( the term used in the Cairn book I have) so I am pulling her puppy fuzz and I tried doing it wothout the finger cots and I wasn't really able to pull much coat...with the finger cots I pulled tons of fluff! I LOVE these rubber fingers! She looks like a different dog...she is much lighter and the coarse coat coming in is very blonde...I thought she would be more grey...she looks good.

So anyone out there that has trouble pulling coat...get a set of these rubber grippy fingers..

Anyone else like using them? It is great on her ear tips too!


Are you talking about the fat chunky ones or the little tiny thin ones....I have both that I use in hand quilting and machine quilting believe it or not. Never thought of them for stripping....I'll have to try that.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae



I use the finger cotts also (when I remember). They do help to get a grip on Darcy's fur better than just your fingers. I haven't had any luck with a stripping knife so maybe I'm not using it correctly. You can buy the finger cotts at any office supply store or probably at Wal-Mart.


Excellent idea!! Thank you! I never thought of that :whistle:


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