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Hates being Groomed


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Okay my little girl is 8 months today (god time has flown!!) and she still hates being brushed/stripped..

I started grooming her from day 1, and since day 1 she has always tried to bite the brush, wiggles around and basically makes grooming difficult.

I normally groom her for around 10-15 minutes , after that I left her go as she has turned very nippy towards me and the brush/stripping knife......

Is this always going to be the case or will she outgrow?

Any tips on how to make the experience more enjoyable for the both of us?


We go through this battle off and on with Sophie, sometimes I can brush her without a problem and other times it is a 4 handed, 2 person ordeal. I think sometimes she thinks grooming is a big game, and it gets a bit tricky. 10-15 minutes is about our limit also.

For really annoying chewing, and nipping I will flip Sophie on her back, and hold her chest in my palm. She goes nuts wiggling and protesting then settles down. She seems calmer after that.

Good luck....wow time has flown with her :-) time for a new pic




Have you considered a grooming table with a noose to hold the dog in place? I bought one last year and have only used it a couple of times due to inclement weather and now it's too hot here in Alabama to be outside in the evenings. I set it up on my deck and it worked great. Darcy didn't want to hold still while I groomed so the noose does the trick. Just a suggestion.


Elliott chewed through the noose on our grooming table :confused:


Mine all know grooming time means the best treats...ie cheese, apples, liver. So they will get on the grooming table, I brush a little give a treat, comb give a treat, on the pug wipe his wrinkle give him two treats, they don't really like it but they tolerate it because it means really good treats!

It nipping is a problem get you a helper, let them hold the bait or treat for them to see while you groom. Some times in the beginning it really is a two person job. When I groom we look at the ears, get a treat, look at the beautiful teeth and rub the gums and thats a treat, clean eye boogers thats a treat, the only place my cairns hate to be groomed is the rear ends but the noose helps out there.

good luck and keep those treats ready and when you give them tell them very good or good girl or best girl that way when you later say best girl that gives them a pleasant thought. Good girl = treat


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Our pup starts whining like mad whenever we try to brush him - even if we havent even touched him yet he acts like we are hurting him. What a little whinger. :(


I am appreciating this thread so much. It lets me know that Bear isn't the only one who doesn't like being groomed. I also appreciate the advice for getting the job done. I tend to give lots of treats and talk to Bear constantly, reassuring him that he is alright and being a good boy to let me make him a handsome boy. I try to work on him in short sessions. I groom for maybe ten or fifteen minutes at a time. I choose what I want to accomplish, eg. his ears, and then do that much. The next day I'll do something else. I wish he would tolerate more, but I do what I can. I have a grooming table, and I do use the noose. However, Bear acts frightened. He tries to climb up on me and clings to me. I try to get him to sit or stand or lay down depending on what position I need him to be in for what I'm trying to accomplish. It takes a lot of patience and lots of treats. Hopefully, someday he will at least tolerate grooming better. In the meantime, I look forward to reading your suggestions. I'm going to try getting my daughter to help hold him and see if that helps.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :D



Kay, may I ask how "our" little angel Helliott managed to chew the noose? He was so misnamed - you really should have named him TROUBLE!!! Thanks for the morning laugh. I was so needing it.


:twisted: From Chase to Helliott/Elliott

YOU ROCK ELLIOTT !!!!!! :devil::thumbsup:

PS... In the photo below, they had to rinse me 6 times before I got the shampoo 3X .

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.


When I groom the girls if they start to play up I get someone to stand at their head and give them attention and treats while I keep working. To do the more difficult bits like butts and tummies I always get hubby to hold them. He always holds them for nail clipping too.


Your Chase reminds me of a sheep that has been playing in the mud up to thier hips. Still cute as can be.


Actually it was the part of the noose that connects to the arm. I probably should have tightened it up a bit but I'm such a softie...it just looked so darn barbaric :whistle:


Kay, it just occurred to me, and I know you have 3 pups, but with only one Helliott do you keep a journal of any type with all his antics in it? Sorta like a baby book but for dogs so that in the years to come when he calms down (or not) a bit, you can look back and read about his mischief as well as his fun times. Just a thought.

:huh: The squeaky wheel always gets the oil. :huh:

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.


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