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power window danger


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I left Wes in the car with my dh in the drivers seat as I moved the wagons out of the parking spot. Wes was poking his head out the window to look. But at the same time, his paw was pressing the window button. I could see the window moving up toward his neck.

When I yelled, my dh pulled him back by the leash. From now on we are are going to lock the windows in position.

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Oh, Sally. When I saw your post, it made my heart skip a beat!!

Thanks for reminding us and so glad Wes is ok!!


Cathy and Piper

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We've had this nightmare at our house also, window suddenly going up and down...learned to use the window locks.



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Cairns are SUPER smart. Mine luckily haven't discovered the window feature (thank goodness) I'll be careful for sure. But they learn everything I do. I gave up on the pee pads because we were chewing them endlessly so I put plastic carpet liner inside the pee pad holder (which locks!) and they have mastered the art of unlocking it and playing with the plastic liner for fun - who needs a pee pad anyways! They are just super clever. Only takes one treat and they've got it down.....

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Today, we used the window lock. You do have to be at least one step ahead.


"Cairns are SUPER smart.... and they have mastered the art of unlocking it and playing with the plastic liner for fun..."

That reminds me of when mine was a puppy. It was wintertime and we painstakingly put carpeting down in his pen, and put plastic and tape over it. He was biding his time and then, step by step, carefully undid everything we did in just seconds.

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Yes my girls are somtimes too smart for their own good - I'm so proud that I have a smart breed and can say hey look what my dog can do..... but at the same time - they never give me a rest - they know far more than I realized. I tried the tape too - HA! and it was undone too - anything I try they get through it - it takes just minutes - (actually the time it takes to take a shower) they LOVE to undue everything when my back is turned.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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We have experienced this problem too (DH). Scout managed to jump out of the window! Thank god my DH was still in the driveway instead of out on the road...whew!

Thanks for the warning, and the great reminder that these dogs are too smart!

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