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Gramma Brag


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Hey everyone I am so excited and happy I just have to share. I hope you all dont mind the energetic ramblings of a thrilled New Gramma.

Yesterday Izbell had her puppies and she did such a great job!! I am soo very proud of her!

I will let you know something my family has recently learned about me, I am a worrier! to the extreme. I have been on the edge since she started her nesting behavior, and the last few days I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I paced, I cleaned and in general made a nucience of myself :shy: . My family tried to keep me busy with yard work, It worked for a while I love them all, they are so good to me. My great hubby and son know I have wanted grass in the back for a long time so they went and bought sod, and knowing that I am slightly anal about things (I say its petite obsesive compulsive dissorder :P ) they layed all the sod out crooked, overlapping etc. knowing it would take me a day to straighten it all out. Aren't they great. hee hee.

Anyway I am rambling off subject. Back to my Baby Izbell.

I thought I had prepared for everything,(Many many thanks for the book recomendation Bradl!!!I bought one that day) and stood ready to help in a second, as it turned out the only thing I hadn't prepared for was the one thing that happened. Izbell was amazing, she knew what to do and she didn't need any help. I fluttered around on edge and she was as calm as could be.

She even came out of her box whimpered to me halfway through and when I sat down she licked my face, sighed at me then went back in and got back to work. Amazing!

I could go on and describe every second cuz I am sure I will never forget any of it, but..I know what you all are dying to know. here goes.

We have 3 beautiful bouncing boys and 2 gorgeous glorious girls.

All are very healthy and got the vets Oky doky, Momma did as well, she is healthy and happy :)

*** These babies are not for sale!***

They are going to our family and a close family friend ( and I am getting to keep one too. I tried to talk my hubby into letting me keep them all but...he says no dice..awwww)

Here are some pics.

Mamma is still so tired poor baby, Hungry happy little babies


Teeny tiny terriers


I will take more pics as they grow and let you all see. Arent they just precious?!

Oh one more little thing I want to know if its alright with all of you that I pass on this forum to everyone the puppies are going to? I want them all to have this kind of support and Knowledge base avalible to them. If its ok. Thanks. Talk to you all soon.

Gosh I still cant believe Im a puppy Grandma. WOW hee hee :wub:

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Congratulations, Hhoky! They are adorable, and it certainly looks like Izzy did a fine job. I think it's a great idea to let the puppies' new owners know about this site. It's been wonderful for me and my pack. I want to say that I really admire the fact that you aren't selling the puppies. Would you go one step further and require that the new owners spay or neuter the pups?

Congratulations, Grammy! Please post more pics as they get older!


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How exciting! Congratulations :thumbsup:

Give Izzy a big hug from me. I would just love to breed this wonderful breed...the miracle of life :wub:

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Hhoky - I have bred and mid-wived many litters, and there is nothing in the world that is so sweet nor smells as wonderful as a newborn puppy. Congrats and good luck with your new little family. ;)

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Oh, my!! They are the sweetest pups!! :wub:

Can hardly wait to watch as they grow......hint, hint..... :whistle: .

Congrats to all!!


Cathy and Piper

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Bless you and your pack...they're just wonderful. I'm glad that after the

events that led up to this you have a happy ending.

Tara, Olie, Teddy, and Sweet Pea's Mom

Max and Nelly

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Congratulations!!! I'm so pleased it all went well and she had no problems. They are very sweet, I'm looking forward to watching them grow and hearing all about them.

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Congrats to Mom and Grandma! They are all precious! Can't wait to see more pics!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Congrats!!! I can't wait to see pictures of them growing up. Please post more soon.

I wish they could stay that small forever.

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