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Remember Bubba's Mom?


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I received an email from Bubba's mom and because she has been working like 70 hours or more plus helping her husband build a log cabin from scratch she hardly has any time to herself. I thought I'd copy and paste some of her comments about how she feels about all of you. If you want to leave any comments back, I'll be happy to copy and paste them into an email for you. (Brad, if this is breaking some kind of rule, just let me know!)

So from Bubba's mom...

"I wonder if all the people on the Cairn board REALLY know how much they helped us and meant to us during Bubba's sickness? I wish I coud just open up my heart and have them look inside so they could see! People like that just don't come around everyday. It was truly a miracle for us. Please say hello to everyone on the boards and let them know they are in my thoughts! We are just so busy I don't even have a moment to peek anymore."


Our Cairn family ties never break....


Hopefully she will be able to come back soon. We miss her! Best wishes Bubba's Mom!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


There's always a special place in all our hearts for Stacey. Will look forward to hearing

from her in less hectic times.

Tara, Olie, Teddy and Sweet Pea

Max and Nelly


I have thought about Stacey occasionally and am glad to hear she is so busy. Hope those other two cairns are still helping out with the fitness training!



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