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Trip Minus Doggies


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We took a trip to the Bahamas to celebrate our 20th anniversary. My son went also, but the doggies of course had to stay behind. My parents agreed to "dogsit". I never had dogs growing up and was worried sick about how my parents might not care for them in the manner that we do. I had to insist that they were not used to be shoved out in the backyard unattended and that they would require supervision, lots of love, naptimes out of the heat, and sleeping at night in the house (crated). I probably sounded like a ninny coaching my parents on what they could feed the dogs and NOT feed them.....how Gus needed chew toys to keep his teething under control, and how Gus HAD to be let at when he wakes up at 5 am to potty. I was worse than a new mother leaving her babe for the first time. Anyway, I had one nightmare during the trip and dreamt that Crunch escaped the fenced yard. As soon as we got back to the US, I called my parents and my mom never even asked about the trip. She talked for 15 minutes about what fun they had and how we shouldn't even bother to pick the dogs up- they had found a new home!!! :) Cairns must put a love spell on all they meet....


I hope you got round to your parents pronto to reclaim your babies!

One good thing though, they will be more than happy to look after your dogs whenever you want to go away :P

Cheers, Welly

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around


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