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Sick Cairn Puppy In Need of Home


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I went into a local pet store yesterday that sells supplies as well as puppies. I saw a male cairn puppy that looked just like Gertie. One of the employess overheard my conversation with my husband about how that puppy looked like Gertie. She said they had a female also in the back but it had some health problems. I am not looking for another dog but who can refuse to hold a puppy? She brings the little dog out and she is covered in poop. It is stuck in her hair all over her tail. She had crispy boogers in her nose and was coughing. The girl explains to me that they thought the dog had ringworm and the stores vet had tested her twice and she came up negative. The puppy was about 6 months old and was "on sale" for $350. I really wanted to buy her right there and take her to get some proper care. I thought about it all night and it made me sick.

I went back this afternoon I asked to see her again. She was in the same conditions in an "isolation" cage in the back of the store. I played with her for a while and loved her the best I could despite her smell. I tried to pick out her eye boogies and some of the nasty chunks on her.

I am so upset. I don't know if I can report the store for the conditions of the puppy. I want to help her somehow. I can afford to buy her but I don't know how much her vet bills would be. I also don't want to bring her home and have her infect Gertie or my cat with what she has. IF anyone knows of someone in Orlando or Central Florida that could help me find her health care and a forever home I woud love to know.

I am looking in to rescue groups and Potter's website as well.


I just sent three emails to rescue groups. :pray: I hope someone can help!!!


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