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The Road to California


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Well we're on the road again, the girls did just wonderful on their first day. Not a whimper or a bark. They love walking around the campground, and there are lots of dogs here. Only one outburst so far. Gosh i hate the look people give you if your dog goes a little crackadog....geeesh, they are dogs!!!!! I've only gotten one pic of the girls so far, and you can see how hot they are!!! Somehow I think they'd like to be digging holes with Barney!!!!


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Great picture! They look hot, but I bet they're still happy to be on the trip with you. Where are you headed this time? Enjoy! Looking forward to more pictures. We're off to N.C. in 2 wks and still debating if Kiara will go or stay here w/ the dog sitter. All that's on her mind in the mountains is escaping.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Great pictues! Having the pups along adds so much


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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We are headed to California, my daughter and family will fly in saturday. We're meeting up with a alot of friends, doing the disneyland thing. My grandson missed so much fun stuff when we took the kids in 02, he's come a long way since then. He's midly autistic, and he looooves disney. Of course we indulge him!!! And ofcourse his 13 year old sister is bored with the whole thing....geeesh!!!!

Sorry about that doube post.....lousy service here. And of course I'm computer challenged!!!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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How come your pair don't bark their heads off at every little noise like my Fergus does? I'd be banned from campsites!

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Well, they do bark on occassion, and early this a.m. was a test when a rabbit ran out in front of dori.....it was not quite 6am so i held my breath and told her to LEAVE IT!!!! and she did....I was quite impressed!!! But it isnt always that way, trust me!

I took some more pics of them at a rest area in UT, so lovely around there. I hope they turned out ok. I'll post when i can download them. Signal is iffy at best around here.

Edit: Ok, lets see if I can keep the signal.....

Rest stop area, looks like I lost dori here...



This was at the campground in Lincoln, NE....they sat so nice, probably cause it was hot!


ANd this was from last night, Dori trying to kill the wooden indian....


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Terry....your two girls are precious :wub: .

Just love the light and dark together. And, yes, be sure to share more pics of the girl's adventures!!


Cathy and Piper

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Great pictures.....gorgeous dogs and it sounds like you're in for a wonderful vacation.

I am going to MAKE my hubby read your posts. All I want to do this summer is go on a mini vacation to New Hampshire with the crew ...4 hour ride, tops. They have dog friendly motels and so many wildlife preserves and hiking trails. He refuses to take them and of course I refuse to leave them. :confused:

Keep us updated on your trip and I will just sit here at the computer and dream.......

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I love the pictures... Thank you for bringing your computer and thinking of us on your vacation!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I look forward to your updates. I guess I should have read your post heading before asking where you were going. :blush: I love your pictures, especially the 2nd one. Ellie seems to be contemplating just how far she could get to the mountains before you noticed her missing. :shock:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Nice pics mrskti. That rest stop in UT looks vageuly familiar :) We use a book called "The Next Exit" when travelling and mark all the rest stops we hit according to how "dog friendly" they are. If they have lots of nice clean grass we mark it "NG" for "Nice Grass." Some stops we mark "NFG" for ... erm, well, anyway ... not good for doggy rest stops. Our book is in the RV of course but I seem to recall UT had quite a number of splendid rest stops from the doggy point of view - at least the ones we happened to stop at. Have a great trip.

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You should right a kids book about your trip! I love the pictures



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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WHolly cow, we have made it to California!!!!! I cant' tell you how wonderful the girls did on this trip out here. Sometimes I even forgot they were in the motor home. They are such wonderful travelers.

Brad, we have a new name for UT but I cant say it here!!!! Some lovely places and rest stops, but dang it....they tarred and pea graveled a major highway?!?!?! I cant believe it, and yep, our windshield in the motor home got a chip in it....we are so *%$@*!$ off. Luckily we met a nice man here and he told us who could fix it and it's already fixed, but that doesnt mean it wont crack more. We have one of the new one piece windshields that are enormous, not to mention terribly expensive. So we'll keep our fingers crossed. But, that was a great rest area. They really liked it, and all they wanted to do was head for the tall grass!! Silly girls. Love those 30' leads too.

So here's a couple of pics of them, didnt get too many more yet. And I'll throw in one of the coolest areas we went through.

THis RV park has the greatest little dog areas....it's all fenced in, so you can let them go, has the coolest poopie bags, a bench to sit on and in the back it even has a raised area to give them a bath....is that cool or what!!!!! It's fake grass, they spray it with cleaner every night and the sprinklers come on and rinse it all off in the night. I love this place!!!




Here Ellie found a new friend....Dori of course hated it!!!


This is a little area of AZ we cut through, it was awesome!!!!


This one I think Ellie just looks so cute and totally mellow....


And here they are letting it rip inside....they had a lot of energy to burn off.


ANd Kayharley, I'd say go for it...take them on vacation....they'll love it. Tell hubby you'll go w/o him!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I'm glad you made it to CA safely. That doggie area is an excellent idea. Ellie and Dori are walking on it as tho they're unsure of fake grass. I love all of your pictures, especially the one of the girls in the camper. AZ is beautiful. I haven't been there in years.

Thanks for the update!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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That is the coolest RV park I've ever seen, as far as being pet friendly.

mrskti, I live in Arizona, what area were you going through in that photo, it isn't familiar to me.


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Well today should be interesting....The girls are going to Disneyland!! we take them into the parking ramp with us, and actually take them on the tram over to DL where the kennels are. I cant believe it. But this is California!!!! So I see major photo ops here!!! I think i'll be buying them ears today. They will certainly be well traveled cairns when I get done with them!!!

That part of AZ is Rte 15 from UT that just cuts across the north west corner going into NV. Totally gorgeous.

Cant wait for my daughter and grandkids to get here, i hate them flying...I'm such a weenie about flying....obviously, we just drove over 2000 miles!!! LOL

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Yes they will have mickey ears...I'm getting them the next time we go... The time change is killing me, i'm ready for bed!!!!

Well it was certainly an adventure today. We went over early to check out how we get them to the kennel, it's right by the entrance to DL...so we parked in the parking garage, which is creepy as heck in earthquake area....and walked them to the escalator where we carried them down. And they walked like they were going to the park! We got all sorts of looks that's for sure. They hopped on the tram like they did it everyday. I guess golf cart riding helped that out! The kennels there are very nice. They will feed/water your pet, but they will not take them from the kennel to potty, you come out and do that. We took food with, but by time it was dinner, we were pooped out and decided to leave. They did awesome, and when you leave they give you cute certificates that they stayed at the kennels at DL...too cute.

Me and the girls in front of the train station.


John w/the girls


Oh boy, I went to Disney Land!!!!


Here they are in their crate.


Dori made friends w/the man behind us on the tram....Her kisses were grossing out the girl next to him, it cracked me up.


ANd to wrap the day up, on the way to the tram.....Ellie stopped and pooped!!! Thank God we had a bag!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Oh.....I just loved Disney Land last year but never saw any dogs :( (except Goofy)

I can only imagine what a fool I would have made of myself if I saw two adorable Cairns there. Oh yes, kisses on the face big time!

I love your stories and pictures and can't wait for more!

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Fun, fun, fun! If I dress up like a Carin, will you take me next time? :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Well i got their ears last night, I hope to get a good shot of them today sometime. I am wearing down fast!!!! I'm gonna try to talk dh into finding a beach today, they would love it and I could get some great shots!!!! Not that that's my mission mind you! ha!

To be continued.....

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Great stories! Keep them coming. Let me know if you find a good beach. We do go down there to visit MIL and FIL who live in OC but haven't had the pup before. My DD wants to see the mouse ears. Welcome to California.

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