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Hello all. I used to post here, but my computer is down so I havent been on in awhile. I had a Cairn named Dashell (aka Dash). He was born 04/27/05 and passed away from a horrible accident 01/03/06. I have not had the stomach to talk about it much. But boy do I charish all the pictures. He drown. My husband let them out to potty (and did not check the gate). Dash somehow got into the neighbors pool and drown in the freezing water. I thought someone kidnapped him. The house is vacant and he was missing for 4 days. I am still sick talking about it. He was our first Cairn and he made such an impact on our lives as well as everyone around us.

I am happy to say that we will be bringing our new little Addition home in 5 weeks (he was born on mothers day). He is Darling as can be. We are having the hardest time coming up with a name. I loved Dash's name and its hard to top a name you love. My daughter wants to call him Teddy. I dont know though. My plan for Dash was to be involved in the Pets for Life Therapy program, so I will do it this time for sure.

Our new guy wagged his tail for the first time when we went to look at him. I cannot wait to have the Cairn Antics in the house again. We are also going to have baby #4 soon and just could not live without a Cairn any longer. I cant wait to post pictures. Any name suggestions for a Wheaten Brindle?


Dash :halo: 04/27/05-01/03/06

New Cairn baby boy coming home in 5 wks :devil::thumbsup:

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oh my gosh, i'm so sorry about Dash, I cant imagine how you feel....I can hardly think about! Hope your new baby fills that void for you.

Welcome back.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I am so sorry to hear about Dash. But glad to hear that you'll soon have the pitter-patter of the 4 legged kind again.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Just reading about Dash made my heart hurt. I'm so very sorry. I, too, am so glad you will be adding a sweet puppy back in your family. If you name him Teddy, his middle name could be Graham. :lol:

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OMG, I am SO very sorry to here about Dash. What a horrendous experience for you all.

Congratulations on your newest, soon-to-be, Cairn family member. We will all be here waiting to see lots of pics!

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So sorry to hear about Dash. Congrats on your new addition....I know it's very hard waiting for them to get big enough to come home!

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I'm so sorry for your loss of Dash. I keep my gates locked at all times in fear of losing one of my Cairns. Looks like you'll have your hands full w/ a new puppy and new baby. Congratulations to both! :wub: Can't wait for pictures!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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What a traumatic experience...I am so sorry for the pain you went through and can understand how hard it must have been to talk about it.

I'm glad you're getting a new pup to love...can't wait to hear all about him.

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If I were to get another cairn (my husband assures me that won't be happening!), it's name will be Brillo. May you have many happy times w/your new puppy and always remember the ones you had w/Dash. Good luck w/both babies!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Tracy.....I am so sorry to hear about Dash. I can only imagine how hard it is losing him that way.

Good luck with your new baby. Can't wait to see pics and hear all about your new boy!!


Cathy and Piper

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I am so sorry to hear about Dash. My heart hurts so bad for you. I cannot imagine having to go through something like that. I am glad to hear that you will be getting a new addition and although your new baby will never replace Dash, hopefully, it will help to fill the void that he left behind. Plese keep us posted on names and pics!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Thanks everyone for your kind words. Dash was our first Cairn and boy did he enlighten our whole family's lives. He was such a wonderful boy and we love him dearly. I keep pictures of him around the house just like I do of the kids, so I can always see his sweet, ornry face! After having him, I cannot picture living without a Cairn.


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what a tragedy, I am so sorry about what happened to Dash. No matter how careful, accidents happen.

I am glad to hear your grieving has turned to hope and you are ready for a new baby in your life. Can't wait to see pictures.

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Taylor, your story really touched my heart. You reminded me of me a few years ago, when my 9 month old female cairn, Zoe, was hit by a car right in front of me and my daughter. She, too, was our first cairn, and I had waited so long for her. She was such a joy and a blessing to our family, yet, through a human error that we'll forever regret, she was taken from us before her time. So many times I've replayed the incident in my mind, as I'm sure you and your husband have too, where we closed the front door all the way, or put her on a leash and brought her out with us, or where she misses the car that hit her. But history remains intact, and it cannot be altered. And so I have pictures around the house of her, to remind us of the brief but glorious little flame that was Zoe.

I now have three more cairns, Tucker, Scruffy, and now Chloe. They all have a place in my heart, and they fill our house with so much fun, love and entertainment. But I can honestly say that there will never be another Zoe, and she will always have that special place in my heart because she was my first love. I hope your new pup does the same for you. I hope he brings you laughter, love, joy and healing, just as my three have done for me. I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing stories!


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Thank you Thela! I have always loved dogs, but none as much as my Dash. Something about that Cairn "Magic". They are truly amazing and Im sorry about your little Zoe also. Dash was so loved and gave us so much joy in the short time we had him. We are going to visit our new little boy Tuesday and we cant wait to have those Cairn antics in the house again. he comes home just after the 4th of July.


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All my sympathy goes out to you. I can't begin to understand how horrible Dash's accident has impacted you. I"m sure it will still be hard to think about what happened and worry about all your safety measures once your new baby cairn arrives.

I hope however that the new cairn addition brings you new breath of enjoyment and over time will melt away your anxiety about the tragic accident.

Since the new Cairn is coming home just after the 4th.... why not consider a name like Spirit? The idea of Teddy Graham is cute! Other names for a male I love are: Edmond, Doogan, Zimmer, Dragster, Baxter, Zander and Fleming. Or you could honor Dash's name and consider a name simliar... like Flash???

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Well, I'm so sorry for your loss and so happy you have found a new furbaby. Godspeed to Dash and welcome to the new pup. I bet he will name himself!

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