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Teona's little playmate


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I guess we've had Topanga for a little over 6 weeks now. I've been letting Teona play with her from behind the puppy gate. Now that Topanga is getting bigger I cannot keep her from jumping over the gate. I gave it a try last week putting them together. They have a blast. Teona really gets into licking her face. Here's a few pictures of them playing...

while still seperated

At this point I think Teona thought she was dinner!!!!



Teona even tries to give Topanga the bouncy. She tries to jump and drop it over the gate.


Finally together



Poor Tabitha is terrified of Topanga. She stands with tail tucked and freezes when she comes near her and she lived her first 5 years with a cat. :shy:

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those are cute shots Teri, I love the one with her tounge out....looks like dinner to me!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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-Interspecies play....let the maddness begin. Tell Tabby not to feel bad, I've met some kittens that scared me too. :)



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Cute pics! Wow Teona is getting lighter, I almost thought it was Tabitha- except I saw the one floppy ear!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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