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How many Cairns do you have?


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Ok..I was wondering how many double and triples we

have out there???? Please also respond if you have a single


I'll start...

I have two Cairns....Grilly and Madwoman....oops I mean Madison!

Let the census begin.......

Enquiring minds want to know!




We have 2 as well...Petey and Belle. I do believe that is all I can handle right now.


Just one Cairn and one Ridgeback. "mutt and jeff" :lol:


I have 1 Cairn....Bear. I would love to have a second Cairn...a little sister for Bear. Realistically, it won't happen at least for a year or two.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :D



We have Olie, 5.5 years, and Teddy and Sweet Pea, 4 years old. Sweet Pea, even though she was one of Teddy's litter mates has been with us for less than a month. She decided, within the first week, that Olie needed very badly to be beaten up at every available opportunity so we're doing a lot of training and a lot of juggling of baby gates to get everyone enured to one another. Neither Sweet Pea nor Olie have a problem with Teddy...so he's our little ambassador, or switch hitter if you will. He gets to go behind whatever baby gate he wants! :)

Anyway, that's the low down on our pack.

Tara, Olie, Teddy and Sweet Pea's Mom

Max and Nelly


Sadly I only have Rebel and Sugar....tehe :D But one day I will get another male for kennel purposes and I will breed Sugar and hope to keep at least one of the pups. Now if I can only get my hubby to understand my Cairn way of thinking.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Two Cairns- Gus (4.5 mo) and Crunch (14 mo). One Mixed breed-Pokey (13 yrs). I thought I was pushing the limits until I went to pick up an old friend to attend a funeral. I discovered she has 13 dogs. She lives out in the country and has a hard time turning away strays...


I have two boys, littermates Mettwurst & Brattwurst. Maybe someday i'll get a girl, if I can get my hubby to go along.....or if he's in a coma.... :whistle:


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


I have two. Grania (8) and Duncan (4). After seeing all the puppy pictures here I wish I could get another, but I haven't the room :confused: .


Three Cairns - Kiara Joy (5 in two wks), Abigail Lee (2 1/2), and Hannah Skye (2). I'm sticking w/ three. Hannah has claimed my lap and won't give it up for a new puppy.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


One, Maggie 1+ year old... Halswel, put me down for a pup!!...my wife loved sugars head shot, so cute and well groomed!! ...we are thinking about another pup!!



One Cairn named Duffy and one Westie named Mickey. Maybe someday another one of each!!



...ONE Cairn Puppy........Mercy, that's all I could handle!! :shock: He is a HANDFUL! But so cute.....

He has taken to "talking" to me, which I think is soooo adorable! My favorite is when he yawns and yowls at

the same time! :wub:

You multi-dog folks have my utmost respect and admiration!! :halo:

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


None yet but two on the way lol. Sasha and Riley were both born on April 12 and will be flying in next week. So looking forward to getting them. Our other two dogs past away over the last year at old ages, Dakota was a Cocker/Collie who past at 13 years of liver disease and Emma, a Lab/Terrier died of cancer at 15 years old in February. Sasha and Riley are not replacements but additions to our family.


Only one Cairn now and he's rapidly approaching 16. :( My other two dogs are Smooth Collies.

grillywarren writes:

I have two Cairns....Grilly and Madwoman....oops I mean Madison!

LOL... Must be something about those Madisons. I use to call mine "MadGirl", because she was so cranky to Murph. :)



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.


One Cairn Savannah, 1 1/2 years old but I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get her a sister. These hubbys are just Cairn dream killers aren't they (except Brad of course.) :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


None yet, but CairnQuest Barleywine will be coming home in 2 weeks. We'll call him Barley. He will be my only pet at this time, and I'm taking a week off to make him comfortable in his new den. I'm a little nervous! :huh:


Sasha and Riley will be joining us next Wednesday. We are a bit nervous too lol, but having raised dogs from puppy hood before I think we can handle it. Congrats on your new arrival.


One cairn here and she's a handful. Cassie is 8 months old next week. Currently she is digging up my flower bed on a daily basis. Her house forays have been restricted due to insane behavior. If I got another cairn I think the cat would leave home. We don't want that because the cat actually catches moles. I think we are lucky Cassie is no longer chewing up the irrigation. Oh and we have that howl while yawning thing here too. I do love her, if I sound ticked you just caught me replanting my ornamental pomegranate for the third time.


I've raised several dogs from pups; however, reading this Forum has made me nervous inasmuch as I've never had a terrier. I bred and raised Queensland Heelers, and there a tough breed to handle. So I'm hoping I have some skills still available for me. :shock:


Two cairns: littermates Elsa (a.k.a. drama queen princess precious bossy pants bird killer) and Connor (a.k.a. the Carinator, the love machine, boo-boo and killer of pillows, throw rugs and speaker wires.) 15 months old.


We are now the proudly owned by three cairn terrors:

Tucker, the AD/HD baby is 2 :w00t:

Scruffy, the gentleman is 2.5 :whistle:

and our newest addition,

Chloe, the fair damsel is 5 :kiss:

They are all kept in line by Rocky, our 8.5 year old golden retriever/rottweiler mix. :cop:

My husband is just as much to blame for this insanity as I am. He encouraged me to get another! :lol:



We now have two -- Viggo who is 3 and a half, and Trixie, who is coming up on 4 months old.

I wish we'd gotten them closer together. (yes, we are having issues, and I think I'm about ready to call in a professional). :confused:


We have two Cairns right now. I would love a third, but I think two is plenty right now. Scout is 4 years old and Finch is 2. They are both female.


I have 2 cairns, Roxy who I got as a small pup and Suzie who I adopted about a month ago. They are both 9 months old and were described by hubby the other day as "toddlers on speed" :lol: Yep they are cairns...



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