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"is Cricket really here to stay?"


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Lucy is very tolerant of Cricket. But she has her limits...she looks at me with that look like.."did I get a vote?" "tell me she is not her to stay?"


Cricket keeps crawling up to Lucy and trying to impress her with face licking and rolling on her back in an offer of submission...Lucy ain't buying into it.

I can see Lucy deep down really likes her. She just isn't ready to have this pint size ball of bravery take charge.

It is funny, Cricket watches Lucy and mimics all her actions and behaviours..she wants to be like her big sis.

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Great report! What a cute picture! Cricket looks like she's about to roll over in that picture.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Oh look how cute!!!! I think Lucy's going to be a great big sis to Cricket.

I love to see the pictures of those of you who have Cairns AND a big dog. To me they always seem like the best of pals.

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Lucy's attitude reminds me of my little Angora, Hunny's attitude. She's ok with Sophie, and has accepted her. But she defineitly didn't get to vote. Lucy's tolerence of the puppy is a reflection of her love for you. Hunny accepts Sophie because she loves and trusts me, but she would be delighted if the bossy, messy, noisy thing vanished.



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