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Never Ending Cairn Question Game . . . .


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Thought this might be a fun summer game to play and to also find out more about our Cairns.

Here is how to play: You answer the last question posted and ask another.


Poster asks: What is your favorite Cairn color?

The next poster answers and then posts a new question.

I'll start:

Why did you choose a Cairn?

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I chose a Cairn because I grew up with Cairns and have always loved the breed.

What is your Cairn's favorite toy?

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Brody's favorite toy is a ball, Mia's favorite is whatever Brody has.

Does your Cairn like to play fetch?

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WOOF! OK, I'll go get it once or twice. But I sense a pattern here that meets YOUR needs, not mine. What's the point?? I gotta go. I got things to sniff!

What's your favorite way of showing your uprught who's BOSS?


Eli B)

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Easy ........... just ignore her. Don't come and most of all don't stop chasing........whatever comes your way.

I'm only 1 year - what is your nightly routine before flopping? I usually run of out steam by 9:30.


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I am only 8 weeks but before I pass out at night I run around in a frenzy, chase my big Lab sister and explore every inch under the sofa for dust bunnies, toys, coins and an old slipper ..I show them all who is boss...then I pass out under the woodstove(not in use)

What kind of mischief do you do to entertain yourself that makes your uprights crazy?

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grab the end of the loo roll, run like crazy all over the house with it and when they finally spot me, eat as much of it that i can stuff in my mouth before they catch me!

do you bark and growl at unknown dogs when taken for a walk (thus embarrassing yr uprights who have to appologise and explain you really aren't a viscious dog)? :vampire:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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I am 10 months old and have been known to have "outbursts" (to the dismay of my uprights!). Some pup will catch my eye right in the middle of obedience class and when everyone is quiet, I feel the need to warn and protect everyone from this intruder! On walks, I am better because I'm focused, but sometimes a dog will approach me the wrong way and I quickly show him who's boss! :)

Question: Do you liked to get brushed??

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Well... Savannah fights being brushed but when I tell her to be still, she usually will (at least for a minute or two). She runs if she sees me get the brush out but at the same time, she will kick her back leg in delight when I brush certain spots so I think she is an in the closet brushing liker. :shock:

Question: Where is your pups favorite spot to be scratched?

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Scully's favorite part is her belly. If someone is sitting, she'll go behind their legs and roll over until she's squished between the chair and the person's legs and she has all four paws up in the air until she get's a proper belly rub.

Question: What does your Cairn do that makes you laugh the most?

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I laugh the most at the cocked head when I say something "interesting". I find the head-twisting back and forth just hilariously cute.

Question: Tell about the first Cairn Terrier you ever knew (either personally or from afar).

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Known from afar - Toto, from the Wizard of Oz!

What is your Cairn's most favorite non-canine snack?

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For mine, it's scrambled eggs! I just made egss this morning for my dd. The Cairns start dancing around the kitchen waiting for their little taste to cool off.

How often do you buy something for your Cairn?

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Everytime I go to Petsmart or Petco they get at least 1 new toy.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how stubborn is your Cairn?

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Crunch is a 4. Gus is a 9.5. Gus refuses to come out of his crate in the mornings. He refuses to let me easily pick him up (he runs from me). He refuses to be cuddled. He refuses to look me in the eye. He refuses to potty until he has found the perfect spot. He refuses...okay, you get the idea.

What is the silliest game you have ever played with your Cairn?

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Hide and Seek.....my husband and I run from tree to tree in the back yard and yell woohoo and Rebel & SUgar find us every time! And we are the only ones who get tired :confused:

What physical feature do you like best about your Cairn?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I first noticed Pepper's beautiful hazel eyes - right before noticing how pretty his black coat was.

How does your Cairn communicate most often? Grunts, yodels, barks, etc? Pep grunts a lot when he gets a belly rub.


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Hey, this is pretty fun!

We can't get too silly with Barney or he gets a little neurotic, :shock: but my daughter and I like to clear all the chairs away from around the kitchen table and roll a small tennis ball back and forth between us across the floor under the table. Barney usually stands under the table and we roll it right past Barney's feet as fast as we can and he just gets all happy barkey, ears up, tail wagging! Then we will lay the ball down on the floor about 2 feet from one of us and he slooowly creeps up on it, then POUNCES like a CAT on the ball! TOO FUNNY!!! Then I call him to me and make him sit, then I give him the ball. It's no fun to never win at "keep away"!

Next question:

What is the neatest place you have ever taken your Cairn(s) for a trip or for fun? OK, if you've got beach pictures, let's see 'em!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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:confused: sori was trying to add a beach pic to no avail

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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No beach pictures here. We have the best parks around here, so my place would be the local parks.

Do you let your dog(s) sleep with you?

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Gertie sleeps in the bed with me usually curled around the top of my head like she was a cat. In the middle of the night if I move around and "bother" her she will growl in her sleep. It's kinda cute.

Do your dogs bark at the tv?

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Rebel and SUgar don't but Hammurabi the pug does and he barks at the dogs during the dog shows...its really funny

Who is your favorite TV dog?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I taught Jazz to ring the bell to go outside - one of those bird cage bells. Of course sometimes he just wants the treat

Sheri, Mom to Jazz & Alex

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Scout used the crate until she was about 2 years old. Finch used it until she was about 12 months.

Does your Cairn(s) like the rain?

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