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Frisky is getting close to death...............


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Well, Frisky has been lathargic for the past week & Friday I took him to the vet because he had not been able to keep any food down since Wednesday night. He loves lean beef & he threw that up Thursday night. He wouldn't eat any of his dog cookies either. So, the vet gave him an exam and noticed an ulcer in his eye, a growth about his ass, and the fact that he looked kind of yellow in certain areas. This lead her to believe that his liver was failing. She anticipated that it was either a liver infection or liver cancer. She suggested leaving him at the emergency animal clinic in Allen over the holiday weekend so they could pump him full of antibiotics to see if it would help any. She also stated that he was extremely dehydrated & had him hooked up to an IV while we waited to transport him to the hospital. As of today, he has not been able to keep any solid foods down & he threw up again at 10:00am this morning.

I am sick to my stomach right now. I cried at the vet for 2 hours on Friday. I cannot believe this is happening right now. I just don't know how I am going to face this. I think this is the end of the road for him. He's 13 years & 3 months old. Yes, I know that he's lived a long while, but it's just so hard to let go right now. On April 24th, he weight 20.7 pounds & as of Friday he dropped down to 18.4. That's a lot of weight to lose in one month. I was crying so hard I threw up at the office.


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Oh Jason, I am so sorry. It's never easy. Are there any tests they can do to try to pinpoint what might be wrong with him, or do the vets feel that doesn't really make any sense right now?


Well, they're going to do a sonogram I think to see if there's any kinds of growths. I also think they said something about doing an x-ray 'n stuff. I have a gut feeling that this is going to be the end of the road for him. He won't eat any dog food & the little amount that he does eat.... he throws it back up.


Oh, I'm so sorry.

We are a glutton for punishment by loving the little furry ones.

Let us know what you find out.


Oh Jason, I am so VERY sorry. Even though we Cairn lovers know what is inevitable, it NEVER takes away the anguish when the time comes. Please know that Frisky will be in our thoughts and prayers.


I'm so sorry you and Frisky are going through this. It's a good thing he's at the vet where they can keep an eye on him and make him comfortable.

Please keep us posted


Jason.....my heart truly aches for you. I know how you are feeling as we lost our girl, Toto, this past fall.

I hope the vet can help you and Frisky through this tough time.

Please keep us posted.


Cathy and Piper


Thanks all...........

I just got back from seeing Frisky. There is a 95% chance that he has a tumor. They may do a snonogram tomorrow, Monday, but I want to bring him home by Tuesday. He won't keep any food down which is frustrating. Someone mentioned feeding him soup of mushy kind of food. Either way, I know the end is near. Yea, this next week is going to be difficult. I don't know what I am going to do. I don't know if I should just wait it out & keep him @ home & try to get him to eat, but either way a decision needs to be made.



Sending positive thoughts to you and Frisky.

- Mp and Bosco


Hi Jason,

I am so sorry to hear about Frisky. Nothing more I can say other than to please make sure that he suffers as little as possible, which I know you will do.



I am sorry you are going through this. It is so hard. Please know

our thoughts and prayers are with you.


We'll be thinking about you and Frisky this week. Frisky knows how much you love and care about him.


I'm so sorry to hear about Frisky. This must be an incredibly hard time for you, please know my thoughts are with you.


Your Frisky is such a sweet little guy. Please know our thoughts are with you both during this very, very difficult time.


I'm so sorry to hear about Frisky's failing health. :candle::pray:


Jason, I lost my dear 12-yr old Westie to cancer, and it happened so quickly. I thought we would have several more good years. It is so terribly hard, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your little guy.



Jason, continued prayers for you and for Frisky. I went through this before and it's the worst feeling in the world. I wish I had some magic answer to make everything better.


Jason, I'm so sorry about Frisky's condition. I really believe that our kids give us a sign when it is time, whether it is a look, crying,etc. I know that youwill do the right thing to eliminate any extra pain that he is going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless!


Thanks guys. We brought him home from the emergency animal clinic today & he had a seizure this afternoon. He is still refusing to eat and is refusing to take his medication. He keeps wandering around the house & is walking right along the walls. Sometimes he walks right into the wall. I think this really may be it for him.


RIP Frisky as of 8:45am.

He had another seizure on the way to the vet. He passed 30 seconds after getting the fatal shot.

13 years & 3 months I had Frisky. Life will not be the same without him. I don't think it hit my mom until after they gave him the fatal shot. He shook violently for about 4 seconds & then his body went limp. My mom started crying so hard & then I lost it. I just sat in the corner & cried. This was one of the hardest things I have had to deal with.

RIP Frisky.....

Thank you all for your love & support.


Jason.....I am truly sorry for your loss.

Letting go is never easy. And, no, life will never be the same again without him. You, your Mom and the vet did everything possible for Frisky. And, you were there when he needed you the most.

My deepest sympathies to you and your family,


Cathy and Piper


Very sorry to hear of Frisky - and what you have had to both endure. Blessings to you both - you're in our thoughts

Lesley & Rusty


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