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strange housebreaking problem?

Barney's Mom

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Help! I think Barney has an excessively LONG intestinal tract!!! Let me explain...

Out goes Barney for his first potty of the day. He pees...no problem. He poops........then he poops again...... and sorry for being disgusting, but they are nice sized piles! :sick: OK, one would think that he is done. He walks around, sniffs a few things, starts chewing on whatever passes under his nose. I assume he is done and bring him in. Within 15 minutes of coming in, HE POOPS IN THE KITCHEN, and not just a little bit! It's another big pile! Sorry...... :(

Where is all this poop coming from?????????? The little stinker only weighs about 6 pounds soaking wet!

We try to watch him after we bring him in, but it seems like just when our backs are turned he does it!!

Any ideas????

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


My trainer would say he has too much freedom. And that you'd need to tether him to your belt so wherever you go....he goes, and you'll be able to catch him started to squat and take action. Otherwise, he'll go when/where he wants to. As far as huge poops....ya got me on that one!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae



The large deposits could be because of the particular food you are feeding. I've noticed that on occasions that I've had to feed whatever was available (read cheap food because the regular feed got soaked and we were in the middle of nowhere) all of my guys had unusually large deposits. As soon as I was able to get them back to the normal feed everything went back to normal. Thank goodness. With three large dogs and a Cairn it seemed like I had one very large dog and three ponies! :sick::toxic:


When Finch was a puppy, she was eating Bil jack (SP) and I think she had POO up to her eyeballs! LOL! When we switched her over to Canidae, her poo became much smaller.


Another thing to think about is, are you free feeding or at set times?

when you feed at set times the poo schedule gets set into place, and with free feeding, well constant input leads to constand output!!! Another thing to check is to make sure you are feeding the right amount of food for age/pounds....

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins


We have Barney confined to our kitchen, so I am not sure if "too much freedom" could be the issue.

As far as food and feeding go, I feed him Eukanuba small breed puppy. I did order some Canidae online, so it will be interesting to see if he poops less. I had heard long ago that the better food you feed them the less they poop. More of the good stuff is absorbed and less is excreted. We feed him at regular intervals, starting at @7 for breakfast, snack @ 11:30 and 2:30, dinner at @ 6pm, then a snack at 9:30. I got this schedule from a dog training book.

Maybe he just hasn't gotten the picture yet! He still is a little guy! :)

Thanks for the input!!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


If you are feed Barney after you bring him back inside in the morning that could well be the reason he poops again, again. :lol: Eating stimulates young puppies to eliminate.


Um....Sophie is a 3 time pooper....every day. Her 4 o'clock walk is a ritual and she goes 3 times before she gets back. If she goes less than that....she has to poop later.




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