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my first posting

german_lady with dog

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Hello :D ,

as my nickname betrays I'm from Germany. Unfortunately is my English not the best, but

I hope that's not a problem and we understand ourselves nevertheless :P

I'm here because of my little Tobi, he's an 3years old cairn terrier, and I got him with ~6 month from a "animal home", after his first familie gave him away because his teeths changed, and he nibbled at everything.

At that animal home he spent only one week until I saw him and felt in love with this little dog, who had no fears for nothing :wub:

Tobi is very lively. It's lovely to look at him, especially when he is running outside or is playing with other dogs. Altogether he's a perfect family dog, who feels as he would be a big dog!

Do you know this behaviour?

Bye, Anja

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Welcome! I know the feeling, mine sure thinks she's a big dog and she's always attracted to the big dogs!

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Oh yes...the little dog stuffed in the body of a big brut! :lol:

They are such endearing little dogs who will defend their turf and their family from anything they see that might be considered "alien"... :whistle:

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