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Hey everyone!

I just got myself a Cairn Terrier 5 days ago and at first life with her was good. I enjoy her company. She's the sweetest! Well yesterday was not so good. She had diarrhea,vomiting and wouldn't eat or drink anything. I was really worried because she was inactive as well so I took her into the Vet and they kept her overnight. It's almost 2 pm and I still don't have her back yet. I called today and they said she's doing better but is still not out of the woods yet. I'm hoping to get her back by tonite. I miss her kisses and her energy!!! I love my baby girl.

I'm really glad I found a site like this. I don't really know much about this breed but I'm learning. :D

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Welcome Brittany&LuLu. Hope you hear good news from your vet soon.

The forum will be off-line a bit this weekend (starting tonight) but should be back and barking during the weekend. Hopefully in time so I can watch Indy on Sunday :)

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Hey B&L, welcome! Sorry to hear your baby is under the weather, hopefully things will turn around. We sure worry about them. We will want to see pictures of course, it's sorta mandatory around here!!! !:)

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I just joined last week, in anticipation of receiving my little boy in 4 weeks.

I hope your little girl gets better! Any idea what she's got? I lost my first Cairn to Parvo.......Dang puppy mills!

Smarter and wiser this time I hope.


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Ohhh I am so sorry thigs are off to a rocky start for you and your baby I hope everything is well with her. Welcome to the board too!

Krista and Kipper in NE Oregon

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Welcome, and I'm so sorry to hear about your new little puppy's health problems. Please keep us updated, ok? (hugs)

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Hi and welcome!

Sorry your having problems with your little girl, hope she's well and home with you soon.

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As if just getting a puppy isn't worry enough.... :( It's serious stress when they get sick! I am sorry to hear your new baby is not well. She is in good hands at the vets. We will keep her in our prayers for a speedy recovery!

And welcome to the forum! I am a new poster as of May 7, and have really enjoyed it! Lots of great folks with great advice on raising your Cairn! As I said in another post to a new member, no book or vet can give better advice than people who know and love the breed! I too am new to Cairns and it has been a real learning process! But I am SO THANKFUL I happened upon this site! It has saved my sanity many a time!

Hope everything turns out OK!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Welcome to the board , We hope your Pup gets well soon and yes we really love pictures.

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Welcome to a wonderful forum.....glad to have you aboard!

For me this place has been a wealth of information, support, entertainment and knowledge along with compassionate and caring members not to mention a wonderful administrator.

Please keep us informed on your pups progress....and pictures when you can.

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Welcome to the forum

I too also hope that your little one is doing better. Please let us know what the Vet says..... and you can add me to the list of 'waiting for photos when everyone is feeling better' list.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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