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How to get a 7 1/2 month pup to quit chewing on be


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:devil: OK Tilly just chewed the heck out of curlys bed that they shared, now she is chewing on comforters etc trying to get the stuffing out. HELP ANY IDEAS



Go buy Bitter Apple spray at the pet store, it tastes nasty and might deter the chewing. Otherwise, don't give access to those things till the urge to chew them passes In a few months maybe....g'luck!


Scout was a big chewer and we lost several shoes, purses, belts....because I wasn't watching her. Tilly is still a very young dog. I know it's hard to watch a puppy all the time! We usually tried to pick up after ourselves...and put items up high so that she couldn't get to them. This really helped and Scout stopped chewing at about 2 years. Having some hard bones around will help with the chewing too. We don't give ours rawhide, but the compressed bones are well liked in our home. Scout can chew a compressed bone up in less than an hour, so she is only given the bones when we are right there with her.


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