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We got Tilly for free because the ladys daughter


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We got Tilly for free . A lady had got her 8 yr old daughter a cairn terrier puppy and taking care of the pup for the first week was ,fine then after that no way and so this pup sat in a crate for 8 to 9 hrs a day. The mom who had her worked 5 days a week . The lady got in contact with a lady who has her own cairn terriers and she had emailed me about this cairn terrier. I said ok I will bring Curly along and see how they get along. Curly and Tilly got along great so off we went. Tilly had never seen a yard before and we have a big fenced in yard and she was not sure if she should play with the dog toys. Tilly has come out of her shell and is such a happy pup. Tilly when she was born was a blond wheaton black mask now tilly's color are black mask ,grey and very little blond. Tilly and Curly are the best of friends and can not be apart from each other.

We would like to hear your stories if you would like to share them with us.

P.S. if you live in Tacoma,Wa and would like to get together to walk and chat please email me at ricknjane9@comcast.net we would love to meet you.

Jane,Rick and our 2 cairns Curly and Tilly


Hello Thela I think it's great that your adopting another cairn terrier. We just love our 2 cairns plus they get along with our cat :) Both your cairns are pretty and the other dogs in the pics also.



Welcome, Jane! It sounds like you found a great buddy for Curly!


:lol: Yes we sure did find a sweetie pie and curly's best buddy. Shoe is your cairn a grey brindle? you can email free to do so. if you like . I love to make cairn terrier friends.



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