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What a difference a few months make!

Yep, this is the same dog, Daisy May.

The puppy pic is at Christmas. She's about 2 months old.

The second pic was taken a couple days ago, about 7 months old.



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Wow, what a cutie! That is a beautiful coat and the expression is priceless.... Do you groom her yourself?

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she is beautiful! I hope I can keep my Cairn's coat looking like that as she grows up into an adult.

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Wow, what a cutie!  That is a beautiful coat and the expression is priceless....  Do you groom her yourself?


Yes, I groom her myself. Not 100% sure what I'm doing but learning as I go!


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So cute!!! That's exactly what happened to Dylan. He was dark as a puppy, and now he's red, red, red...

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:) Daisy Mae is a very beautiful Cairn Terrier .Wow that is quite the color change.

My Curly is still a wheaton at age 2 they called him a red wheaton but some of him kinda blonde other parts are still kinda red wheaton he is such a sweet boy.

When Tilly was born she was a blonde wheaton at 7 1/2 months is a grey brindle.

:P Gee they don't have to pay to have their hair colored no fair LOL


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I'm so impressed you do the grooming yourself. I also have a 7 month old but his coat is horrible. I'm embarrased to post a recent picture. :shy: I try to hand strip and use the mars coat king. I'm about ready to give up and have a professional hair stripper do the dirty work.

Keep up the good work!

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She is lovely! Great Grooming Job :thumbsup:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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It is amazing how much they change in color. Kipper was a light wheaten when I got him at age 5 and he had never been stripped and after the first time I stripped him out he changed in to a red with dark points. They are soo weird how they change but it is fun to watch. Your doggie is just the sweetest thing!!!

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